Life of Christ - Kalasha: Northern

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Nomor Program: 75204
Durasi Program: 55:36
Nama bahasa: Kalasha: Northern

Mengunduh dan Memesan

Nyanyian: Jesus Died and Rose Again


1. Nyanyian: Jesus Died and Rose Again

Pengantar:Pengumuman to Mary, Lukas 1:26-38


2. Pengantar:Pengumuman to Mary, Lukas 1:26-38

Joseph Is Told of Jesus' Birth, Matius 1:18-24


3. Joseph Is Told of Jesus' Birth, Matius 1:18-24

Jesus Is Born, Lukas 2:1-7


4. Jesus Is Born, Lukas 2:1-7

Shepherds Go to See Jesus, Lukas 2:8-20


5. Shepherds Go to See Jesus, Lukas 2:8-20

Wise Men go to See Jesus, Matius 2:1-12


6. Wise Men go to See Jesus, Matius 2:1-12

Jesus' Genealogy, Lukas 3:23-38


7. Jesus' Genealogy, Lukas 3:23-38

Yohanes Prepares the People for Jesus, Matius 3:1-4, 11, 12


8. Yohanes Prepares the People for Jesus, Matius 3:1-4, 11, 12

Yohanes Baptizes Jesus, Yohanes 3:13-17


9. Yohanes Baptizes Jesus, Yohanes 3:13-17

Jesus Heals a Blind Man, Markus 8:22-26


10. Jesus Heals a Blind Man, Markus 8:22-26

Nyanyian: I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light


11. Nyanyian: I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light

Jesus Forgives Sin Matius 9:1-8


12. Jesus Forgives Sin Matius 9:1-8

Jesus Raises a Dead Boy to Life, Lukas 7:11-17


13. Jesus Raises a Dead Boy to Life, Lukas 7:11-17

Jesus Calms the Storm, Markus 4:35-41


14. Jesus Calms the Storm, Markus 4:35-41

Jesus Feeds 5,000 Men, Matius 14:14-21


15. Jesus Feeds 5,000 Men, Matius 14:14-21

Jesus Walks on Water


16. Jesus Walks on Water

Jesus Casts Out a Demon


17. Jesus Casts Out a Demon

Jesus Teaches about Doa


18. Jesus Teaches about Doa

Jesus, the Good Shepherd


19. Jesus, the Good Shepherd

Nyanyian: The 23rd Psalm


20. Nyanyian: The 23rd Psalm

Nyanyian: I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light


21. Nyanyian: I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light

Jesus Raises Lazarus to Life


22. Jesus Raises Lazarus to Life

Jesus Is Betrayed by Judas


23. Jesus Is Betrayed by Judas

Jesus Prays in Gethsemane


24. Jesus Prays in Gethsemane

Jesus Is Arrested


25. Jesus Is Arrested

Jesus Goes before the Council


26. Jesus Goes before the Council

Jesus Goes before Pilate


27. Jesus Goes before Pilate

Soldiers Mock Jesus


28. Soldiers Mock Jesus

Jesus Is Crudified


29. Jesus Is Crudified

Jesus Dies


30. Jesus Dies

Joseph of Arimathaea Puts Jesus in his Tomb


31. Joseph of Arimathaea Puts Jesus in his Tomb

Soldiers Guard the Tomb


32. Soldiers Guard the Tomb

Jesus Rises from the Dead


33. Jesus Rises from the Dead

Nyanyian: Jesus Died and Rose Again


34. Nyanyian: Jesus Died and Rose Again

Jesus Meets with His Disciples


35. Jesus Meets with His Disciples

Jesus Promises to Give the Holy Spirit


36. Jesus Promises to Give the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit Comes, from Kisah Para Rasul 2


37. The Holy Spirit Comes, from Kisah Para Rasul 2

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