Bible Lessons 1 - Asmat, Yaosakor

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Nomor Program: 75030
Durasi Program: 1:43:57
Nama bahasa: Asmat, Yaosakor

Mengunduh dan Memesan

A-1 Heaven


1. A-1 Heaven

A-2 God Created Everything


2. A-2 God Created Everything

A-3 How Sin Came into the World


3. A-3 How Sin Came into the World

A-4 Jesus Died for our Sin


4. A-4 Jesus Died for our Sin

A-5 The Resurrection of Christ


5. A-5 The Resurrection of Christ

A-6 How to Become a Child of God


6. A-6 How to Become a Child of God

A-7 Five Wonderful Facts


7. A-7 Five Wonderful Facts

B-1 Jesus Wants Me to Know that I Belong to Him


8. B-1 Jesus Wants Me to Know that I Belong to Him

B-2 Jesus Wants to Become Like Him


9. B-2 Jesus Wants to Become Like Him

B-3 Jesus Wants Me to Love Him


10. B-3 Jesus Wants Me to Love Him

B-4 Jesus Wants Me to Obey His Commands


11. B-4 Jesus Wants Me to Obey His Commands

B-5 Jesus Wants Me to talk with Him in Doa


12. B-5 Jesus Wants Me to talk with Him in Doa

B-6 Jesus Wants Me to be Victorious in Him


13. B-6 Jesus Wants Me to be Victorious in Him

B-7 Jesus Wants Me to Help Other People to Know Him


14. B-7 Jesus Wants Me to Help Other People to Know Him

Mengunduh dan Memesan

Rekaman-rekaman ini didesain bagi penginjilan dan pelajaran dasar Alkitab untuk memberikan kabar baik bagi masyarakat yang tidak melek huruf, atau terisolasi budaya, utamanya masyarakat yang sulit untuk dijangkau.

Copyright © 1982 GRN. This recording may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold.

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Biaya membuat rekaman adalah mahal. Tolong pertimbangkan untuk membantu GRN agar pelayanan ini dapat terus berlangsung.

Kami sangat mengharapkan masukkan dari anda, bagaimana anda menggunakan rekaman ini dan bagaimana hasilnya. Hubungi Jalur Saran.

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