La Vida de Jesus y La Iglesia Primitiva [Life of Jesus and the Early Church] - Mixteco de Yosoyua
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Kisah-kisah penting dalam Alkitab, dari Penciptaan hingga Wahyu dari UnfoldingWord.
Nomor Program: 67091
Durasi Program: 1:04:10
Nama bahasa: Mixteco de Yosoyua
Mengunduh dan Memesan
1. Satanas tienta a Jesus [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 1]
2. Jesus empieza su ministerio [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 2]
3. La historia del buen samaritano [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 3]
4. El joven rico [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 4]
5. Jesus alimenta a cinco mil personas [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 5]
6. Jesus camina sobre el agua [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 6]
7. Jesus Yo Te Amo [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 7]
8. Jesus sana a un hombre endemoniado y a una mujer enferma [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 8]
9. Dios Donde Quiera Esta [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 9]
10. La historia del sembrador [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 10]
11. Damos gracias al senor [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 11]
12. Jesus resucita a Lazaro de la muerte [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 12]
13. Hace tu casa [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 13]
14. Jesus es llevado a juicio [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 14]
15. Solamente en Cristo [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 15]
16. Jesus es crusificado [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 16]
17. Jacob lucho con el angel [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 17]
18. Dios resucita a Jesus de la muerte [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 18]
19. Estamos todos reunidos [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 19]
20. Pedro y Juan sanan a un cojo [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 20]
21. Cuchi Cuchi [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 21]
22. Pablo y Silas en Filipo [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 22]
23. Dos acontecimientos [Life of Jesus and the Early Church - Track 23]
Mengunduh dan Memesan
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