Cerita-cerita Alkitab. From The Injil Lukas - Banawa

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Nomor Program: 66355
Durasi Program: 2:56:43
Nama bahasa: Banawa

Mengunduh dan Memesan

Iroka 1:26-38 Yeso madi Maria towawa. [Lukas 1:26-38 The birth of Jesus is announced]


1. Iroka 1:26-38 Yeso madi Maria towawa. [Lukas 1:26-38 The birth of Jesus is announced]

Iroka 2:1-7 Yeso wadai matamona, sidadi Berei ya. [Lukas 2:1-7 The birth of Jesus]


2. Iroka 2:1-7 Yeso wadai matamona, sidadi Berei ya. [Lukas 2:1-7 The birth of Jesus]

Iroka 2:8-20 Deoso ka yo-yose Yeso wadi tamine kaminai matamona bani ia me na-na [Lukas 2:8-20 The shepherds and angels]


3. Iroka 2:8-20 Deoso ka yo-yose Yeso wadi tamine kaminai matamona bani ia me na-na [Lukas 2:8-20 The shepherds and angels]

Iroka 2:41-52 Yeso yetene towawai, Deoso ka yobe towakosai [Lukas 2:41-52 Jesus in the temple]


4. Iroka 2:41-52 Yeso yetene towawai, Deoso ka yobe towakosai [Lukas 2:41-52 Jesus in the temple]

Iroka 3:21-22 Yowao Yeso sokonawai [Lukas 3:21-22 The baptism of Jesus]


5. Iroka 3:21-22 Yowao Yeso sokonawai [Lukas 3:21-22 The baptism of Jesus]

Iroka 5:1-11 Yeso Simao Bedero mere kanikai, Yeso desene me me towawa bone. [Lukas 5:1-11 Jesus calls his first disciples]


6. Iroka 5:1-11 Yeso Simao Bedero mere kanikai, Yeso desene me me towawa bone. [Lukas 5:1-11 Jesus calls his first disciples]

Iroka 5:17-26 Maki bari yokona towe owarai, bari ene yaka kabi hine owarai, Yeso [Lukas 5:17-26 Jesus heals a paralytic]


7. Iroka 5:17-26 Maki bari yokona towe owarai, bari ene yaka kabi hine owarai, Yeso [Lukas 5:17-26 Jesus heals a paralytic]

Iroka 8:4-15 Maki yama noki koronai. [Lukas 8:4-15 The sower]


8. Iroka 8:4-15 Maki yama noki koronai. [Lukas 8:4-15 The sower]

Iroka 8:22-25 Yama wanini ya fa rike ya, yama na, Yeso horakase ya, Yeso ati ya [Lukas 8:22-25 Jesus calms a storm]


9. Iroka 8:22-25 Yama wanini ya fa rike ya, yama na, Yeso horakase ya, Yeso ati ya [Lukas 8:22-25 Jesus calms a storm]

Iroka 8:26-39 Kerase ka me ka owa yama inawari dama kiai, Yes mere toyosamai. [Lukas 8:26-39 Jesus heals a demon-dominated man]


10. Iroka 8:26-39 Kerase ka me ka owa yama inawari dama kiai, Yes mere toyosamai. [Lukas 8:26-39 Jesus heals a demon-dominated man]

Iroka 8:40-56 Yeso Yairo bide nadafimatasai. [Lukas 8:40-56 Jesus heals a woman and a girl]


11. Iroka 8:40-56 Yeso Yairo bide nadafimatasai. [Lukas 8:40-56 Jesus heals a woman and a girl]

Iroka 9:37-43 Enemede yama inawari kiai, Yeso hikasomai, hinasaowai. [Lukas 9:37-43 The cure of a boy]


12. Iroka 9:37-43 Enemede yama inawari kiai, Yeso hikasomai, hinasaowai. [Lukas 9:37-43 The cure of a boy]

Iroka 10:25-37 Samaria ka owa ene sibarai tamine Yeso kaminai, Mowise ka yama ha [Lukas 10:25-37 The Parable of the Good Samaritan]


13. Iroka 10:25-37 Samaria ka owa ene sibarai tamine Yeso kaminai, Mowise ka yama ha [Lukas 10:25-37 The Parable of the Good Samaritan]

Iroka 11:1-13 Yeso desene me Deoso me hiyara tabiyo me awa, Yeso me ati kanawana [Lukas 11:1-13 Jesus teaches to pray]


14. Iroka 11:1-13 Yeso desene me Deoso me hiyara tabiyo me awa, Yeso me ati kanawana [Lukas 11:1-13 Jesus teaches to pray]

Iroka 12:35-48 Deoso ni ya e atibodi tamini mowa e sibara. [Lukas 12:35-48 The alert employees]


15. Iroka 12:35-48 Deoso ni ya e atibodi tamini mowa e sibara. [Lukas 12:35-48 The alert employees]

Iroka 15:1-7 Bani ia na-nawada me tamine Yeso kaminai, Deoso ene tamine mere kan [Lukas 15:1-7 The lost sheep]


16. Iroka 15:1-7 Bani ia na-nawada me tamine Yeso kaminai, Deoso ene tamine mere kan [Lukas 15:1-7 The lost sheep]

Iroka 15:11-32 Maki bidi fowanai tamine Yeso kaminai, mere kanawanai bona. [Lukas 15:11-32 The Parable of Anak yang hilang]


17. Iroka 15:11-32 Maki bidi fowanai tamine Yeso kaminai, mere kanawanai bona. [Lukas 15:11-32 The Parable of Anak yang hilang]

Iroka 16:19-31 Rasaro tamine Yeso kaminai. [Lukas 16:19-31 The Parable of the Rich and Lazarus]


18. Iroka 16:19-31 Rasaro tamine Yeso kaminai. [Lukas 16:19-31 The Parable of the Rich and Lazarus]

Iroka 18:9-14 Fariseo ya maki hia kayare owarai ya, me fama, Deoso warabo me him [Lukas 18:9-14 The Pharisee and the tax collector]


19. Iroka 18:9-14 Fariseo ya maki hia kayare owarai ya, me fama, Deoso warabo me him [Lukas 18:9-14 The Pharisee and the tax collector]

Iroka 18:15-17 Yeso ni ya enemede me fotara me kama me sibara mone, Yeso atinai. [Lukas 18:15-17 Jesus and the children]


20. Iroka 18:15-17 Yeso ni ya enemede me fotara me kama me sibara mone, Yeso atinai. [Lukas 18:15-17 Jesus and the children]

Iroka 19:1-10 Sakeo Deoso ati ya towawai. [Lukas 19:1-10 Jesus and Zacchaeus]


21. Iroka 19:1-10 Sakeo Deoso ati ya towawai. [Lukas 19:1-10 Jesus and Zacchaeus]

Iroka 22:47-53 Yeso Yodasi me wara hiai. [Lukas 22:47-53 Jesus is arrested]


22. Iroka 22:47-53 Yeso Yodasi me wara hiai. [Lukas 22:47-53 Jesus is arrested]

Iroka 23:26-43 Awa me ya Yeso ye dabo me ba kana bereko madi ya. Yeso teme bari [Lukas 23:26-43 The crucifixion of Jesus]


23. Iroka 23:26-43 Awa me ya Yeso ye dabo me ba kana bereko madi ya. Yeso teme bari [Lukas 23:26-43 The crucifixion of Jesus]

Iroka 23:44-49 Yeso abowai. [Lukas 23:44-49 The death of Jesus]


24. Iroka 23:44-49 Yeso abowai. [Lukas 23:44-49 The death of Jesus]

Iroka 23:50-56 Yeso desene hikamowai. [Lukas 23:50-56 The burial of Jesus]


25. Iroka 23:50-56 Yeso desene hikamowai. [Lukas 23:50-56 The burial of Jesus]

Iroka 24:1-12 Yeso dafimatasai, Deoso ene. [Lukas 24:1-12 The resurrection of Jesus]


26. Iroka 24:1-12 Yeso dafimatasai, Deoso ene. [Lukas 24:1-12 The resurrection of Jesus]

Iroka 24:13-35 Yeso desene me fama Yeso me hidabama, sidadi Emaosi hawi ya. [Lukas 24:13-35 On the way to Emmaus]


27. Iroka 24:13-35 Yeso desene me fama Yeso me hidabama, sidadi Emaosi hawi ya. [Lukas 24:13-35 On the way to Emmaus]

Iroka 24:36-49 Yeso desene me baikani ya koboname kerewerai. [Lukas 24:36-49 Jesus appears to the disciples]


28. Iroka 24:36-49 Yeso desene me baikani ya koboname kerewerai. [Lukas 24:36-49 Jesus appears to the disciples]

Iroka 24:50-53 Neme ya Yeso tokimisai, Deoso ene. [Lukas 24:50-53 Jesus is taken to heaven]


29. Iroka 24:50-53 Neme ya Yeso tokimisai, Deoso ene. [Lukas 24:50-53 Jesus is taken to heaven]

Mengunduh dan Memesan

Rekaman-rekaman ini didesain bagi penginjilan dan pelajaran dasar Alkitab untuk memberikan kabar baik bagi masyarakat yang tidak melek huruf, atau terisolasi budaya, utamanya masyarakat yang sulit untuk dijangkau.

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