Jalan Yang Lurus 01 - 30 - Chinese, Mandarin: Hui

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Presentasi audio atau video dari cerita Alkitab dalam bentuk ringkasan atau penafsiran.

Nomor Program: 37731
Nama bahasa: Chinese, Mandarin: Hui

Durasi Program: 12:41:08

Creation of the spirit world


1. Creation of the spirit world

Creation of the world and man


2. Creation of the world and man

Adam and Eve's sin


3. Adam and Eve's sin

Cain, Abel, and Seth


4. Cain, Abel, and Seth

Noah and the flood


5. Noah and the flood

The tower of Babel


6. The tower of Babel

God calls Abram, Lot, the covenant


7. God calls Abram, Lot, the covenant

God affirms His covenant with Abraham ▪ The three visitors


8. God affirms His covenant with Abraham ▪ The three visitors

Sodom and Gomorrah


9. Sodom and Gomorrah

Ishmael and Isaac ▪ God tests Abraham


10. Ishmael and Isaac ▪ God tests Abraham

Jacob and Esau, Jacob's dream ▪ Jacob with Laban, going home


11. Jacob and Esau, Jacob's dream ▪ Jacob with Laban, going home

Joseph sold into slavery in Egypt ▪ Joseph saves his family


12. Joseph sold into slavery in Egypt ▪ Joseph saves his family

The birth of Moses


13. The birth of Moses

God calls Moses


14. God calls Moses

The plagues and Passover


15. The plagues and Passover

Crossing the Red Sea ▪ God provides in the wilderness


16. Crossing the Red Sea ▪ God provides in the wilderness

The Ten Commandments


17. The Ten Commandments

The golden calf


18. The golden calf

The tabernacle, Aaron's sons die


19. The tabernacle, Aaron's sons die

Israel refuses to enter Canaan ▪ The bronze snake on the pole


20. Israel refuses to enter Canaan ▪ The bronze snake on the pole

Going into Canaan


21. Going into Canaan

Achan's sin - when God's people disobey


22. Achan's sin - when God's people disobey

Israel asks for a king - Saul and David


23. Israel asks for a king - Saul and David

David and Bathsheba


24. David and Bathsheba

Solomon asks for wisdom


25. Solomon asks for wisdom

Elijah and the prophets of Baal ▪ Isaiah foretells the Messiah


26. Elijah and the prophets of Baal ▪ Isaiah foretells the Messiah

Captivity, Micah's hope ▪ The Suffering Servant


27. Captivity, Micah's hope ▪ The Suffering Servant

Faith in the furnace


28. Faith in the furnace

Going home


29. Going home

The Annunciation


30. The Annunciation

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Rekaman-rekaman ini didesain bagi penginjilan dan pelajaran dasar Alkitab untuk memberikan kabar baik bagi masyarakat yang tidak melek huruf, atau terisolasi budaya, utamanya masyarakat yang sulit untuk dijangkau.

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