Audio Bible-based materials in Luganda and Lusoga

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Audio Bibles and Bible-based teaching in Luganda and Lusoga.

Marius and Lizette van Rooyen are involved in Uganda for more than 10 years now.

Marius and Lizette live in the town of Jinja in Uganda, East Africa, with their 5 children.

They are called to serve the Lord as professionals there, with the vision of Discipleship through Friendship in the Community where they live and work. Marius is a mechanical engineer and Lizette an Occupational Therapist.

Marius' contract was suddenly terminated at the beginning of Covid and since then he has been helping various missionaries and missionary organizations in the area with his skills and engineering knowledge. He builds, among other things, energy-saving stoves and water filters and designs and builds equipment for the children with different disabilities with whom Lizette works.

Lizette works as a volunteer with Imprint Hope, a non-profit organization that helps children aged 0-18 with neurologically related conditions and disabilities. The organization empowers and equips parents and communities to look after their children themselves at home and in their community.

Many of the families Lizette works with live in isolated communities far from larger towns. As a result, many of them are illiterate and cannot read the Bible, not even in their own language and a large percentage are Muslims.

They've started a project to raise funds for our audiovisual Bible-based teaching materials in combo with audio Bibles in Lusoga and Luganda languages.

We wish to do this project in partnership with our GRN Kenya office in Nairobi to make follow-up more practical and personal.

The Van Rooyens' first aim is to distribute 50x sets of Good News and Look, Listen & Live 1-8 teaching materials in combo with audio Bibles.

R1,100.00 per complete set ($88 AUD Australian Dollar per set.)
This includes 9 flipchart books (hard copy, A3-size)
9x audiovisual commentaries (content) (R78 ea) + (R90 ea)
1x audio Bible pre-loaded (content) (no royalties)
1x playback device (hardware: Envoy S @R500, incl import tax+sales tax) (excl. transport)

plus, Lizette needs trauma materials, so she can use about 5 Tumi tigers at the replacement value of R435 per Tumi ($35) landed cost (incl 26% import taxes+16% sales tax, excl. transport).

We try and plan to ship from the manufacturing source as straight as possible to the end-destination, to save on paying multiple cross-border taxes and clearing fees.

TOTAL AMOUNT NEEDED: R55,000 ($4,400AUD)+R4,350 ($344.30 AUD) = R59,350

All monies received will be channeled straight to this project, incl covering logistical costs of this project only.

Your donation will make a huge difference in the lives of Bible-poor and communities and under-priviledged children in need. (From a content-development angel we're already investigating the possibility of translating the trauma materials into these languages.)

All donations received are tax deductible. (In order to qualify for the tax deduction, kindly submit your proof of donation with a completed tax deduction form to

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