One True God

One True God

Ուրվագիծ: There is only one God. We should not worship idols or fear evil spirits. God is greater than all. Invitation.

Սցենարի համարը: 129

Լեզու: English

Թեմա: Character of God (Grace and Mercy); Living as a Christian (No other gods, idols, Peace with God); Life event (Death); Bible timeline (Gospel, Good News); Problems (Fear); Sin and Satan (Hell, Cleanse, purify, Heart, soul of man)

Հանդիսատես: Animist

Ոճ: Monolog

Ժանր: Bible Stories & Teac

Նպատակը: Evangelism

Աստվածաշնչի մեջբերում: Extensive

Կարգավիճակ: Approved

Սցենարները հիմնական ուղեցույցներ են այլ լեզուներով թարգմանության և ձայնագրման համար: Դրանք պետք է հարմարեցվեն ըստ անհրաժեշտության, որպեսզի դրանք հասկանալի և համապատասխան լինեն յուրաքանչյուր տարբեր մշակույթի և լեզվի համար: Օգտագործված որոշ տերմիններ և հասկացություններ կարող են ավելի շատ բացատրության կարիք ունենալ կամ նույնիսկ փոխարինվել կամ ամբողջությամբ բաց թողնել:

Սցենարի տեքստ

(Written in the Philippines)

Listen! (Music or trumpet)

There is only one God in this world - the God Who created us. But the world today is making and worshipping many gods. Hear what the true God says in His book. He says that He is God, Who gave you His only Son to wash your hearts and redeem you from all sin; therefore keep away from idols and do not worship any graven image for He is your God.

In the *(Mountain Province) there are many worshipping the Anito, the Tinmengaw, the Pinten and other idols. (PAGAN MUSIC) But the Word of God tells us that we should not worship other gods because He alone is our God.

Some people fear death. They say that if they don't pay attention to the evil spirits they will lose their lives. But this is not true. God says "Fear not them which destroy the body but cannot destroy the soul, but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Perhaps you think that life ends with death, but the Bible, which is the Word of God, says that when a man dies his soul will go to Paradise if he is a believer. If he is not, his soul will go to hell. I am telling you this so that you might believe in the true God. Do not fear Kabunian, because the true God is greater. Believe on Him now. He is calling you. He loves you and wants to forgive your sins and be a Father to you. He says, "Fear not, neither be afraid, for I will help you, and strengthen you, and uphold you by My right hand."

My friend, do not wait. You do not know what may happen tomorrow, so do not put it off. You have heard God's words, so I ask you to close your eyes in prayer and this is what you might say: "Oh, God, Creator of heaven and earth, forgive me and help me to get rid of my bad customs and old superstitions. I am but a great sinner before You, but You said that if I come to you, You will cleanse me and make me Your child. Take out of my life all that is unclean and unholy. Have mercy on me, a sinner, because I believe on Your Son Jesus Christ. I thank You that He died to save me from my sins and I will live, from now on, to please You. Thank You for giving me peace in my heart and taking away all my fears. Now I will tell other people this good news. In Jesus' name, Amen."

*Note: Be sure to substitute the names of the local area and their objects of worship, for those mentioned here.

Առնչվող տեղեկություններ

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