Good News (short, audio only)

Ուրվագիծ: Ultra simple. Explains about how God sent Jesus so He could make our sin payment. Tells of His death, resurrection, great commission, promises of help. Invitation.
Սցենարի համարը: 046
Լեզու: English
Թեմա: Christ (Son of God, Saviour of Sinful Men, Ascension, Sacrifice / Atonement, Death of Christ); Eternal life (Salvation); Character of God (Grace and Mercy); Bible timeline (Gospel, Good News)
Հանդիսատես: Animist; General; Children; New Christian
Նպատակը: Evangelism; Teaching
Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; Minimal Scripture
Կարգավիճակ: Approved
Սցենարները հիմնական ուղեցույցներ են այլ լեզուներով թարգմանության և ձայնագրման համար: Դրանք պետք է հարմարեցվեն ըստ անհրաժեշտության, որպեսզի դրանք հասկանալի և համապատասխան լինեն յուրաքանչյուր տարբեր մշակույթի և լեզվի համար: Օգտագործված որոշ տերմիններ և հասկացություններ կարող են ավելի շատ բացատրության կարիք ունենալ կամ նույնիսկ փոխարինվել կամ ամբողջությամբ բաց թողնել:
Սցենարի տեքստ

(Name of tribe) People, listen to this good news. Listen and tell your friends. This is true talk. A long time ago the One Who made everything sent His Son to this earth. The Son told us we were bad people. He told us we would have to make payment for our bad ways. The payment was very big. No one could pay it. Not all the men of the earth could pay it. They were not enough. The One Who made us was very sorry for us, because we could not make the payment. He said He would ask His Son to make the payment for us. His Son was a good man. He was never angry, never fought, never lied, never stole. He was a very good man. He never did any wrong. He said to His Father, "Yes, Father, I will make payment for all the people." The good Man came to live with our people, but they did not want Him. They killed Him. They hung Him on a tree to die. He did not get angry. He cried for the people, because He loved them. He said to His Father when He was dying, "Father, do not punish these people, love them. I will die and make the payment for them; then they can come and live with us."
The young Man died. But He did not stop in the ground. After three days He walked out of His grave and went to His friends. One day He went back to His Father's place. He lives there today. Before He went to His Father's village, He told His friends these words: "Go and tell everybody, white-skinned people, black-skinned people, yellow-skinned people, tell all the people that I love them. Tell them I have made a road to my Father's village. Tell them if they come to Me, I will show them the road and walk with them to my father's village. Tell them they will not see Me now, but I will see them. I will walk with them. I will make them good. I will heal them. I will make them strong. Tell all the people I am going to my Father's village to make a place for them. Tell them these words: 'Jesus said, `Come to Me, and I will be your friend. Call My name and I will listen to you.'" His name is Jesus Christ. This is good news.
The name of the Father is God. His Son's name is Jesus Christ. The name of their village is Heaven. They can see us. They hear us. They know our names, and they want us to go to their village when we die. There is only one road. Jesus said He would show us the road. No one else can show us the road, for no one came from their village to our village - only Jesus Christ. Ask Him to send His Spirit to live inside you and He will show you the way. He will take away your badness and make you good. He will help you. He will live inside you until your time to die. Then He will take you to God's good village to live forever.