Sabers for Nigeria

The Sabers! Safe in Nigeria
The Sabers! Safe in Nigeria

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GRN Nigeria staff and board members
Dedication of the players by board chairman

Some weeks ago, Kish, Director of GRN Nigeria, contacted Andrew Francis of GRN Australia regarding the Saber MP3 player. He was excited that GRN Nigeria had just sold their last Saber - and now they needed 200 more.

One problem - no money.

GRN Australia prayed that God would provide the finances to purchase the required Sabers.

A gentleman contacted the Prospect office and asked if there was a particular project needing money. We told him about Nigeria and the Sabers. As a result, he donated $5,000 specifically for this project to provide 100 Sabers.

We contacted the Nigerian office with this good news. They were excited, but they were also concerned about the cost of the customs duty for the Sabers. A previous delivery of Sabers had attracted a huge bill from customs.

Again we prayed, seeking God's solution to this potential extra expense. GRN Australia decided to send the sabers and trust that the customs duty wouldn't be expensive. We agreed that to cover the cost of any customs duty, the price of the Sabers could be discounted so that expense would be covered by the donated money.

Our despatch department worked for 2 days getting the order ready. Every Saber sent out must be individually prepared just before being shipped. This is standard procedure, whether the order is for one or 100 units. To prepare, the Saber battery is fully charged, the unit is hand wound to start it and then a few tracks are played to ensure it is ready for use. Each player is then boxed up along with instructions for use.

The 100 sabers were sent off by courier...and we prayed.

Praise God! We received news that the customs duty was only $100 and that the Sabers had arrived safely.

Kish and the team, plus some members of Board who were available came and dedicated the Sabers.

The Nigerian team will be loading recordings on to each Saber according to where the Saber will be sent.

Give thanks to God who provided for these Sabers and who has brought great joy to the both the Nigerian and Australian teams. The Nigerian staff are now looking forward to distributing these units.

Please pray for each Saber to go to a good home, where it will be used extensively to bring the good news of Jesus to the lost. Please also pray for further funds for the next 100 Sabers.

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Global News - Latest news about the ministry and resources of the Global Recordings Network from around the world.

Gospel Recordings Nigeria - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN Nigeria.

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