Content about Health & Mental Health

Content about Health & Mental Health

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Content that gives hope.

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CRAZY - Golden Oldies with a touch of Bipolar

Educational materials for public benefit, such as information about health issues, farming, business, literacy or other education. Hein attends a stage performance by performing artist Marié du Toit and pianist Bram Potgieter. The show forms part of program to raise awareness about Mental Health on campus at the Cape Town University of Technology. Hein finds it a highly cool and enlightening show - jazz songs presented with a bipolar "twist". After the show Marié shares her testimony with Hein. She has been battling with Bipolar for many years herself. The program is touching and inspiring. Hein also has an interview with Bram. The tunes are well-known. The lyrics were adapted brilliantly by Marié in order raise awareness, share information and most of all give hope to people living with Bipolar Mood Disorder and their significant others.

No More

Compilations of Christian music, songs or hymns. Genre: Afro-Pop. A prayer in song about Bipolar Mood Disorder. Copyright: Hein Poole (lyrics) and Joshua Prinsloo (composer). Recording done by Joshua Prinsloo. Music and compilation: Joshua Prinsloo. Hein wrote the lyrics after attending the stage performance, "CRAZY - Golden Oldies with a touch of Bipolar" and doing an interview with performing artist Marié du Toit after the show.

HIV & Aids - straightforward about the basics

Educational materials for public benefit, such as information about health issues, farming, business, literacy or other education. A short video featuring Hein Poole ( as a doctor, explaining straightforward basics about HIV & AIDs.

HIV & Aids Discussions

Educational materials for public benefit, such as information about health issues, farming, business, literacy or other education. 3 audio only discussions about HIV & Aids.

No More Tears

Dramatized presentations of a story or parable. This is a story of hope for those living with HIV and Aids and those living with them. The film script is based on a book by Cecile Perold published in 2002. ©Copyright: Christian Audio-Visual Action (CAVA). Producer: MEMA-Media. Distributed by GRN with permission.

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