Այս էջը ներկայումս հասանելի չէ հայերեն-ում.
There is nothing more powerful in the universe than the Word. The Word spoke creation into existence and continues to hold it all together. The Word raised the dead and healed the sick and calmed tempests. The Word is all powerful because the Word is God. (John1:1)
As Christians we can do nothing that is more effective than to pray Scripture because we are then praying the very will and words of God. As we memorize and meditate on Scripture and let its precepts, promises and commands take root, the Holy Spirit can bring relevant verses to mind when we need to use them in prayer. There are Scriptures for every need that we could ever have. We can personalize and use them in all situations. Here are a few examples:
When praying for leaders we can pray Col 1:9, "Lord, fill them with the knowledge of Your will." When asking for protection from the enemy, there is Isa 54:17, "Thank You that no weapon formed against us will succeed." When praying for spiritual growth, ask 1 Pet 1:16, "Father, we desire to be holy as You are holy." Facing an impossible situation? Echo Jeremiah's prayer to the Lord in 32:17, "Nothing is too hard for You." And to worship use Ps 46:10, "Be exalted O Lord in all the earth." The Holy Spirit often can lead us to pray whole passages of Scripture too.
As we put on the armor of God each day, we are told to take up the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. When we combine the Word with praying in the Spirit, (Eph 6:18) our prayers have divine power to destroy strongholds. It is not intellectual brilliance that defeats the enemies of our Lord, but by praying Scripture we have at our disposal weapons that render ineffective arguments such as evolution and humanism and every prideful thing that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. (2 Cor 10:5)
Hopefully most of us will never be arrested for being armed and dangerous, but being armed with the sword of the Spirit and praying in the Spirit certainly makes us dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. When Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness, He responded with the Word against which Satan had no defense. We have the same Word which we can use with the same power and authority.
Praying Scripture means that, not only will we push back the enemy, but we will also be contributing to God's Will being done on earth as it is in Heaven. As we confess with our mouths the truths of Scripture in prayer, we have the full backing of Heaven that the words we pray won't return empty but will accomplish all God intends for them to do.
Colin Stott
Global Prayer Coordinator