June 2018 Outreach - Nigeria

The rough, hilly and stony road calls for a robust vehicle
The rough, hilly and stony road calls for a robust vehicle

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Setting up for Film Night
The team showed the 'Tafiya Tare Da Yesu' (Walking with Jesus) film
Many people received GRN materials - flipcharts and recordings

It was another hectic but a successful distribution program, this time we covered three languages: Jipal, Koenoem and Mernyang of Plateau State.


Jipal is the first location of our distribution, we based in COCIN Church Koper which has the majority of Jipal speaking people, and the road leading to this community is very rough, hilly and stony, we found it very difficult to climb with our bus but finally by 6pm we arrived safely.

We were welcome by the wives of the two pastors of the COCIN church, after a while the pastors came back from their farm and also welcome us, after a brief introduction they accepted our mission and allow us to arrange for the film show. We showed the film titled Tafiya Tare Da Yesu (walking with Jesus) most of them are Christians but have problems with their Christian growth, some of the viewers after the film confessed to us that they learned a lot about the film and promised to follow the teachings of the film especially on the aspect of fellowship together as one family. KOENOEM-

This is the next language we reached out. Lifidi is the central town of the Koenoem speaking people. On our arrival we were informed that the nearby village was attacked and a Catholic priest and others were killed by unknown gunmen, on this note we wanted to cancel our program but our contact person assured us of our safety, so we carried on with our distribution program as planned. We had a successful film show that night (Walking with Jesus) in COCIN LCC Koenoem and many lives were touched. The distribution also went successfully without any interruption or any threat and the people of Koenoem were very excited receiving the Good News Flip charts and their heart language on CDs. MERNYANG-

Kwa town is the heart of Mernyang speaking community. In Kwa, are two main churches; COCIN and Catholic, even though Catholic is the dominate church.

As it is a custom for missionaries to enter a community through the church, we followed suit but in this community it did not work out because of Catholic dominance and protocol. It took us over four hours before we could see the District Head as our next option to table our mission which at last we were given acceptability by the District Head, there and then we started our distribution program as planned.

We showed the same film which drew their attention seeing the traditional leader accepting Christ, reconciling with those he had issues with and also preaching Christ to his family and his royal kinsmen, they received the GRN materials with joy and commended GRN for producing such a wonderful message in their heart language and preserving it all this while for them.

Thanks Giving

  1. Thank God for a successful trip despite the rough nature of the roads and the difficult type of people we came across but God protected us all through.
  2. We thank God for the provision of funds for this trip, may God bless our funding center.
  3. The acceptance of the GRN materials by the people of these languages is very impressive.
  4. It is raining season here but there was no any interruption of rainfall all through the programs unlike other outings.
  5. Thank God for protecting from the attack of the arm bandits. We are not safe as we launch out to the field, we depend solely on God's cover.

Prayer Needs

  1. Pray for the remaining three languages DIMMUK, HOROM and KWAKWI that God will provide funds to reach them. The recordings were done in the sixties.
  2. It is our prayers that the materials we just distributed will create positive changes in the lives of the recipients
  3. Three of our staff who went for this outreach were seriously tied and eventually fall sick because of the stress they went through. Pray for God's healings and strength for their total recovery.

Reported by Joshua Bello and Solomon Audu.

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Gospel Recordings Nigeria - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN Nigeria.

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