David and Marian Elliott

David and Marian Elliott

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David and Marian Elliott joined the mission in September 2001. David served as Assistant Director until September 2006 when he became the Executive Director, a role he fulfilled until October 2023. He is now the Chief Administrative Officer.

David and Marian have served in missions for 40 years, both in Canada and overseas.

Marian is a registered nurse who has used her skills over the years in different settings. She has recently taken on the role of pastoral care to women with Global Recordings Network.

David and Marian served on board the ship, MV Doulos, from 1979 to 1981. They also served with a mission in Canada before returning overseas to serve in Spain. They have a varied background in missions and a desire to be a faithful witness whenever God gives them opportunities to share their faith.

David graduated with a Bachelor of Christian Education and also a Master of Theological Studies.

David and Marian are available to speak at church meetings. If you need someone to speak to your group regarding missions or a Bible message for your group, contact David by email.

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