One Mediator Between God and Man

One Mediator Between God and Man

Áttekintés: Explains our need of a mediator. Illustration of the fight between the saltwater people and the bush people. They found a mediator related to both groups who could bring them together. Application: our enmity with God. Jesus, the mediator, born of Mary, truly man, truly God. His atonement. Invitation.

Szkript száma: 259

Nyelv: English

Téma: Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men, Mediator, Sacrifice / Atonement); Living as a Christian (Peace with God)

Közönség: Catholic

Stílus: Monolog

Műfaj: Messages and Fiction

Célja: Evangelism

Biblia Idézet: Paraphrase

Állapot: Approved

A szkriptek alapvető irányelvek a más nyelvekre történő fordításhoz és rögzítéshez. Szükség szerint módosítani kell őket, hogy érthetőek és relevánsak legyenek az egyes kultúrák és nyelvek számára. Egyes használt kifejezések és fogalmak további magyarázatot igényelhetnek, vagy akár le is cserélhetők vagy teljesen kihagyhatók.

Szkript szövege

God's book says there is only one true God. God is holy and good. Man has left God's ways and sinned against God. Sinful man cannot approach God. That is why God sent His Son to stand between God and sinful men to make peace. This man was Jesus Christ. He gave Himself to die for sinful men to bring them back to God. God is holy. God hates sin. But everyone is a sinner against God. We have broken God's law, and we are His enemies. That is why we need someone to come between us and the Holy God to make peace, and bring us back to God.

One time on an island some salt water men and bush men had a fight at the market place, and some men were killed in the fight. Then the market closed because they were enemies and would not trade with each other. But the salt water people wanted corn from the bush, and the bush people wanted fish from the sea. At last, someone thought of what to do.

There was a man whose father was born by the salt water, and his mother was born in the bush. So this man had relatives on both sides. He was able to go to the bush people, and he could go to the salt water people. They would receive him. So that is what he did. He talked to the bush people and he talked to the salt water people, and he brought the two sides together again. By and by, his talk made them want to make peace. He was the middle man. Then the salt water people brought a peace payment to the bush people; and the bush people brought a peace payment to the salt water people. At last the two sides made peace, and the market opened again.

It is the same with us. We are enemies of God because we have broken his law. We cannot go to God because He is holy, and we are dirty because of sin. But God loves us. That is why He sent Jesus to come down to this world. He was born of Mary, a virgin, and He took our likeness. He became a man. Now Jesus has two sides. He is truly God, and He is man, too. He came in the middle to bring us back to God. But God must have a peace payment for our sins. That is why Jesus gave His life for us by dying on the cross. He had no sin, and He died to make the payment to God for our sins. We have no peace payment to offer to God. But Jesus gave Himself for a peace payment for you and me when He died on the cross. He shed all His blood dying on the cross to bring us back to God. Now the way is opened for you and me to come back to God.

Today, if we take Jesus for our Saviour and Master, we are no longer enemies with God. Jesus died for our sins to make peace between us and God. But one thing you must do, you must receive Jesus as your Saviour and Lord. If you do not do this, you must perish. Decide now. What will you do? Ask Jesus to come into your heart. If you do, He won't say "no" to you. He will come into your life, and give you eternal life, and you will be at peace with God. It is better that you come to Jesus today.

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