The Rich Fool

The Rich Fool

Áttekintés: Story of the rich fool laying up treasure. The importance of being ready and not putting material things ahead of spiritual needs. Application.

Szkript száma: 112

Nyelv: English

Téma: Sin and Satan (Judgement); Christ (Sacrifice / Atonement); Living as a Christian (Leaving old way, begin new way); Eternal life (Salvation); Life event (Death); Problems (Materialism, Money)

Közönség: General

Stílus: Monolog

Műfaj: Bible Stories & Teac

Célja: Evangelism

Biblia Idézet: Extensive

Állapot: Approved

A szkriptek alapvető irányelvek a más nyelvekre történő fordításhoz és rögzítéshez. Szükség szerint módosítani kell őket, hogy érthetőek és relevánsak legyenek az egyes kultúrák és nyelvek számára. Egyes használt kifejezések és fogalmak további magyarázatot igényelhetnek, vagy akár le is cserélhetők vagy teljesen kihagyhatók.

Szkript szövege

The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully. And he thought within himself, saying, "What shall I do, because I have no room in which to store my fruits?" And he said, "This will I do: I will pull down my storehouses and build bigger ones; and there will I store all my fruits and my goods. And I will say to my soul (myself), "(Soul), you have much goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, and be merry." But God said to him, "You fool, this night your soul will be required of you. Then whose shall those things be, which you have stored?" This man was trusting in his riches, but he had only the riches of this world. They could not help him (were useless) when it was time to die.

You who were listening, this man who gathered all his things together was called by God, a fool, because he forgot that death was coming. Which of us knows the hour of his death? You who saw the sun rise this morning, do you know if you will see it rise tomorrow? God said in His Word, "You do not know what shall be tomorrow. For what is your life? It appears for a little time and then vanishes away."

Who is a wise man? He is the man who knows that everything in this world passes away. He knows that when He dies, in his time, he can take nothing with him. He came into this world naked and alone, and he leaves it naked and alone. If he continues in his sins he will go alone to suffer in the place of fire. But there is a road that leads away from that terrible place. It leads to God's abode. All who want to, may go on that road if they will leave their sins. At the time of their death, there will be Someone to go with them so they do not have to go alone. Jesus came down from God's place (abode) to live in this world. Then He offered His life as a sacrifice for our sins. By dying, He opened the road to God's abode. If you leave your sins and believe on Jesus He will cause you to start walking on that road. He will go with you and help you and comfort you. He will never leave you. He will go with you as you die, and take you right to God's abode immediately. There you will be happy forever.

Do you wish to know that road? Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to God but by Me." Repent of your sins. Pray to God in the name of Jesus. He will hear you and forgive you. Believe on Jesus and obey His words. Do not set your desire on the things of this life that will soon be gone. Let the things of God be biggest in your heart. Then you will not fear death. Your heart will have peace.

References: Luke 12:16-21; James 4:14; John 14:6

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