Whoever is Thirsty

Whoever is Thirsty

Áttekintés: Story of the woman at the well. Can we be happy on earth? Jesus wants us to come to Him, let Him change us and fill our life. How to receive Christ.

Szkript száma: 367

Nyelv: English

Téma: Christ (Son of God); Lifestyle (Agriculture); Eternal life (Eternal / everlasting life); Living as a Christian (Joy, happiness, rejoicing, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Problems (Problems, troubles, worries)

Közönség: General

Stílus: Monolog

Műfaj: Messages and Fiction

Célja: Evangelism

Biblia Idézet: Extensive

Állapot: Approved

A szkriptek alapvető irányelvek a más nyelvekre történő fordításhoz és rögzítéshez. Szükség szerint módosítani kell őket, hogy érthetőek és relevánsak legyenek az egyes kultúrák és nyelvek számára. Egyes használt kifejezések és fogalmak további magyarázatot igényelhetnek, vagy akár le is cserélhetők vagy teljesen kihagyhatók.

Szkript szövege

"Whoever is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink." Who is this who speaks in such a way, and who dares to offer to quench the thirst of anybody? It is the same One that declared at a well, to a woman who came to draw water, "Whosoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whosoever drinks of the water that I will give him, shall never thirst again; and the water that I will give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." (*)

Who is this man? Is He a visionary? A fool? A charlatan? A joker? It is Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of GOD, because He was man, and also God among men. He wants to make Himself understood by all, and He speaks to all. ALL MEN are thirsty. Thirsty for something else, something they do not have. For happiness, for peace, for joy, for security, for life.

This was the case with the woman who was near the well, and who met this stranger, Jesus. She had already had 5 lovers, and the one she was living with was just one more. - Thirsty for love, for understanding, for peace, for joy. This was her problem. It was then that Jesus told her that He was able to quench her thirst for life, and make her drink the water of life with long draughts. A life which will never stop, not even after death, and which will be abundant, as from an inexhaustible source.

Where are you looking for the answer to your problem? For your thirst for life? How can you fill this inside emptiness which so often gives you black thoughts and makes you think about death, and about aloneness? Who is really interested in you, in every moment of your life, to help you and encourage you when everything goes wrong? Is it possible to be happy on an earth where there is constantly hatred and wars, and where injustice bursts forth every day in all domains?

Thirst is the worst of tortures, and leads inevitably to death. Men can live fairly long without eating food, but without water they die rapidly. Those who have been lost in a desert have had this sad experience. Without water life is impossible. If you continue to be thirsty it will take you to death. But Jesus is here at the brink of the well, to say to you, "Stop and listen. For too long you have drawn from a well of this earth, of passing successes, and pleasures, which just last for a moment. Stop this game which does not lead you to anything, and come to Me, Who can bring you consolation, forgiveness, and fill your life with peace, love, joy and satisfaction." Jesus adds, "Give me your cup, full of the filth of bad and impure things which you are doing - things which may not look bad to you, but which are not pleasing to God - give it to Me and I will clean it out and then fill it and transform it into a source where other thirsty ones will come, and to whom you, in turn, can point to the source of your satisfaction. Whoever comes to Me, rivers of living water will flow out from within Him."

What a joy it is to go to Jesus in order to quench our thirst, and then to turn to others and tell them of Jesus, Who can give them to drink. Jesus calls you and wants to change your life, and then to fill it, as He did for this thirsty woman by the well, and for multitudes of others with their various kinds of sins, who have thrown themselves at His feet.

"Whosoever believes in Me," says Jesus, "will never be thirsty." Do you want to at last be truly happy, in spite of all that can happen to you? Do you want to at last be filled until you are really satisfied, in spite of the attraction of the thousand and one things which you would like to possess? Do you want to at last not feel alone any more, and to have a true friend Who will never leave you and Who after death, will welcome you into His Paradise, and let you taste the joys of complete fulfillment, and the wonderful splendor of His glory? _ We all have only one life, and it is short. There is only one way to live it fully. That is to live it with Jesus Christ. Put your whole trust in Him. Believe His Word. His Word is the truth, and one can count on it. It is eternal.

Give Him this heart of yours, which is hard, hurt, and thirsty for something it doesn't have, and He will come to reign within you and share His love and joy with you. Today come to Him. Confess your sins to Him and receive His complete forgiveness and His gift of eternal life, full and free.

*John 4:13, 14.

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