The Last Days Of Moses

The Last Days Of Moses

Áttekintés: Numb 32; Deut. Josh 1

Szkript száma: 1290

Nyelv: English

Közönség: General

Műfaj: Bible Stories & Teac

Célja: Evangelism; Teaching

Biblia Idézet: Paraphrase

Állapot: Approved

A szkriptek alapvető irányelvek a más nyelvekre történő fordításhoz és rögzítéshez. Szükség szerint módosítani kell őket, hogy érthetőek és relevánsak legyenek az egyes kultúrák és nyelvek számára. Egyes használt kifejezések és fogalmak további magyarázatot igényelhetnek, vagy akár le is cserélhetők vagy teljesen kihagyhatók.

Szkript szövege

Optional titles:Moses died.The last days Moses lived.The Lord chose Joshua to lead Israel after Moses died.

The Israelites [tribes] had to wander [walk / travel about] in a wilderness forty years, because they disbelieved [did not have trust in] the Lord and they disobeyed him.

During those forty years, the people [generation] who had rebelled against the Lord died.

Then it was time for the next [young] generation [from the Israelites] to go into Canaan Land that the Lord had promised [their ancestors] to give to them.

But the Lord said to Moses, “You, Moses! You will not enter into Canaan Land with them [the Israelites] because you dishonored [disobeyed] me in the wilderness [when you struck the rock a second time to get water]!”

Moses prayed to the Lord, “Please! Appoint someone who will lead the Israelites and who will guide them when they must battle [make wars]!”

The Lord replied, “I have chosen Joshua to be their new leader!”(Joshua was one of the twelve men who spied out Canaan land. He had also been Moses’ assistant leader.)

Moses ordered Joshua to stand before all the Israelites. Then he said to him, “Do not be afraid about anything.

“Be [remain] strong and courageous [bold / brave]! It is you who will lead the Israelites into Canaan [Land] that the Lord promised our ancestors [to give to you]!

“The Lord will be with you always, Joshua, and he will lead you, so have no fear and do not become discouraged!”

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Sing [compose / create] a new song. Teach the song to the Israelites, and write the song on paper [on a scroll / in a book]!

“This song must remind the Israelites that God did great actions for them. Also, it must warn them not to disobey God’s laws!”So Moses did that.

Then God told Moses, “Go climb up a high mountain from which you can see Canaan [Land]. But you yourself will not enter that land!”

So Moses climbed a tall mountain in the east [east from the Jordan River], from where he saw [viewed] Canaan Land in the West.

There the Lord said to Moses, “This is the land that I promised to your ancestors, when I said I would give this land to their descendants!”

After Moses saw Canaan [Land], he lay down and died. Then the Lord buried him [Moses]. Moses was aged 120 years when he died, still strong and able to see well.

The Israelites mourned for Moses thirty days.

There was no other [human] prophet like Moses, [until Jesus came more than a thousand years later].

The Lord spoke with Moses [face to face / as one man speaks with another man].

No other prophet performed [did] miracles [powerful actions] like those that the Lord accomplished through Moses in Egypt against Egypt’s king, his gods and his people.

So Joshua became the new leader over the Israelites. The Lord made Joshua wise and courageous.And the Israelites obeyed the Lord as long as Joshua lived.

After Moses died, Joshua led the Israelites to Canaan Land, and he governed [lead / guided] them while they were defeating and chasing out from their country the [indigenous] Canaanite peoples who were very wicked [very evil / idol worshipping].

[This is [some of] the song Moses taught the people to sing before he died:]I will proclaim [shout and teach] about the Lord [the Lord’s name].Our God is very great!He is faithful, strong and unchanging like a Rock.Everything he does is right and just [good and honest].

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