Ennek a forgatókönyvnek a felvételei: The True God

Elemek megjelenítése 1 nak nek 219 nak,-nek 219

Abu Hashi:m [Sudan] - Words of Life

Acheron [Sudan] - Words of Life 1

Acholi [Uganda] - Words of Life 1

Adangme: Krobo [Ghana, Eastern] - Words of Life

Alur [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life 1

Arakan [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Ateso [Kenya, Busia] - Words of Life 1

Atsam [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Avukaya [South Sudan, West Equatorial State] - Words of Life 1

Bajju [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Bangla [Bangladesh] - Words of Life

Bangla [Bangladesh] - Words of Life (M)

Bari [South Sudan, Central Equatorial State] - Words of Life 1

Bassa: Central [Liberia] - Words of Life

Batonu [Benin, Alibori] - Words of Life 1

Bekwarrah [Nigeria, Cross River] - Words of Life

Bele [Liberia] - Words of Life

Bench [Ethiopia] - Words of Life 1

Bete, Daloa [Côte d'Ivoire] - Words of Life

Bille [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Binawa [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Birom [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Borana [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Bote-Majhi [Nepal] - Words of Life

Brahui [Pakistan, Balochistan] - Words of Life

Budja: Kwanza [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Buli [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Bure [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Chagga: Mwika [Tanzania] - Words of Life

Chamling [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Chaurahi Group [India, Gujarat] - Words of Life

Cherepon [Ghana, Eastern] - Words of Life 1

Chinamwanga [Zambia] - Words of Life

Chin, Falam: Langkai [Myanmar] - Words of Life

C'lela [Nigeria, Kebbi] - Words of Life

Cokwe [Angola] - Words of Life 1

Dagaari, Northern: Nura [Burkina Faso] - Words of Life

Danuwar [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Darai [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Datooga: Barabayiiga [Tanzania] - Words of Life

Dewas [Nepal, Province 3, Bagmati, Makwanpur] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Dezi [Ethiopia] - Words of Life 1

Dholuo [Tanzania] - Words of Life 1

Dinka: Ngok [South Sudan] - Words of Life

Dinka, Padang [South Sudan, Upper Nile] - Words of Life 1

Dolakha [Nepal, Province 3, Dolakha] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Dolpo [Nepal] - Words of Life

Dumi: Kharbari [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Dungmali [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Duruma [Kenya, Kwale] - Words of Life

Ebira: Okene [Nigeria, Kwara] - Words of Life

Eggon [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Engenni [Nigeria, Rivers] - Words of Life

Ganda [Uganda] - Words of Life 2

Gbabyi [Nigeria, Niger] - Words of Life

Gbari: Yamma [Nigeria, Niger] - Words of Life

Gedeo [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Gio [Côte d'Ivoire] - Words of Life

Grebo, Gboloo [Liberia] - Words of Life

Gulfan [Sudan] - Words of Life

Gurung: Kaski [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Gusii [Kenya, Kisii] - Words of Life 1

Gwere [Uganda] - Words of Life

Hadiyya [Ethiopia] - Words of Life 1

Hausa: Kano [Nigeria, Kano] - Words of Life 2

Haya [Tanzania] - Words of Life

Hayu [Nepal, Janakpur] - Important Information!

Hdi: Tur [Nigeria, Borno] - Words of Life

Ichen [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Idoma: Central [Nigeria, Benue] - Words of Life

Igbo: Union [Nigeria, Abia] - Words of Life

Ikwo [Nigeria, Benue] - Words of Life

Jakun [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Janggali Rawat [Nepal] - Words of Life w/ NEPALI

Jarawan Bununu [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Jarawan Bununu [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life w/ JARAWA: Bununu

Jere: Buji [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Jola: Effoc [Guinea-Bissau] - Words of Life

Jukun: Takum [Cameroon, Nord-Ouest] - Words of Life

Kadara: Adunu [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Kaguru [Tanzania] - Words of Life

Kambatta [Ethiopia] - Words of Life 1

Kamuku [Nigeria, Niger] - Words of Life

Kangkanai: Benguet [Philippines, Luzon, Cordillera Region] - Words of Life 2

Kanukuru [Nigeria, Borno] - Words of Life

Katcha-Kadugli-Miri: Morta [Sudan] - Words of Life

Katla: Julud [Sudan, ash-Shamaliyah] - Words of Life

Kena [Sudan] - Words of Life

Keraikerai [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Kerewe [Tanzania] - Words of Life

Khaling [India, Sikkim] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Khyang [Bangladesh, Chittagong] - Words of Life

Kihunde [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Kivu] - Words of Life

Kijita [Tanzania] - Words of Life

Kikamba: Kitui [Kenya, Kajiado] - Words of Life

Kilombe [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Kasai-Oriental] - Words of Life

Kimbuba [Congo, Democratic Republic of] - Words of Life 1

Kimeru [Kenya, Isiolo] - Words of Life

Kinunu [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Kinyanga [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life

Kinyika [Tanzania] - Words of Life

Kinyisanzu [Tanzania, Singida, Singida] - Words of Life

Kirangi [Tanzania] - Words of Life

Kisukuma [Tanzania, Mwanza, Mwanza] - Words of Life

Kizimba [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Kivu] - Words of Life

Koalib: Ngirere [Sudan, Kurdufan] - Words of Life

Kortala [Sudan] - Words of Life

Kotkhai [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Words of Life

Krahn: Gwabo [Liberia] - Words of Life

Kunchi Korva [India, Karnataka] - Words of Life

Kuria [Tanzania, Mara, Tarime] - Words of Life

Kuturmi: Ikryo [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Lango [Uganda] - Words of Life

Laro [Sudan, ash-Shamaliyah] - Words of Life

Libati: Lingbandi [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Libua: Libuali [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Limbu: Chhatthare [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Limbu: Panthare [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Lobala: Mboko [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Logooli [Kenya, Vihiga] - Words of Life

Logorik: Tallau [Sudan] - Words of Life

Lokoya [South Sudan, East Equatorial State] - Words of Life

Lombole [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life

Lomwe: Cishirima [Mozambique] - Words of Life

Longuda [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Longuda [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life w/ LONGUDA

Loraming [Sudan, Janub Kurfufan] - Words of Life

Lucigga [Uganda] - Words of Life

Lugbara [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life

Lugbara: Terego [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life

Lugisu: Southern [Kenya] - Words of Life

Lukonjo [Uganda] - Words of Life

Lumun [Sudan] - Words of Life

Luna Inkongo [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Kasai-Oriental] - Words of Life

Lunyoro [Uganda] - Words of Life

Lunyule [Uganda] - Words of Life

Lusoga [Uganda] - Words of Life

Luunda [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Shaba] - Words of Life

Mabu [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Machame [Tanzania] - Words of Life

Madi [Uganda] - Words of Life 1

Maithili [India, Bihar] - Words of Life 2

Maithili: Thetiya [India, Bihar] - Don't Hide The Truth

Maleng: Kha Pakatan [Laos] - Words of Life

Marwat [Pakistan, KPK] - Words of Life

Masaaba [Uganda] - Words of Life

Maya [Nigeria] [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life w/ KPASHAM

Mbulu [Tanzania] - Words of Life

Mbundu [Angola] - Words of Life

Migili [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Mongbandi, South [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life

Mongo-Nkundu [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Mugali: Karmarong [Nepal, Province 7, Darchula] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Mumuye: Yoro & Sagwe & Daffe [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Mwaghavul [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Naapa [Nepal] - We Must Understand the Fact

Nepali: Achhami [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Nepali: Kathmandu [Nepal] - Words of Life 1

Nepali: Kathmandu [Nepal] - Gospel

Newari: Bhaktapur [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Newari: Kathmandu [Nepal] - Words of Life 2

Ngamawa: Janga [Nigeria, Yobe] - Words of Life

Ngbaka Ma'bo. [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Ngulu [Tanzania] - Words of Life

Ninzam [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Nuer: Western [South Sudan, Upper Nile] - Words of Life 1

Nungu [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Nyakyusa [Tanzania, Mbeya] - Words of Life 1

Nyamwezi [Tanzania] - Words of Life

Nyiha, Tanzania [Tanzania] - Words of Life

Obanliku [Nigeria, Cross River] - Words of Life

Okinawan [Japan] - Words of Life

Oring [Nigeria, Benue] - Words of Life

Otuho [South Sudan, East Equatorial State] - Words of Life 1

Pari [South Sudan, East Equatorial State] - Words of Life

Pokot: West [Kenya, Baringo] - Words of Life 1

Punjabi, Western: Taxila [Pakistan, Punjab, Taxila] - Words of Life

Rai: Bantawa Panchthar [Nepal] - The Way of Life

Ron: Alis I Ron [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Runyankole [Uganda] - Words of Life

Rutoro [Uganda] - Words of Life

Rwa [Tanzania] - Words of Life

Samba Daka [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Samburu [Kenya, Isiolo] - Words of Life 1

Samia [Kenya, Busia] - Words of Life

Sango: Ubangi [Central African Republic] - Words of Life

Saura: Orissa [India, Odisha] - Words of Life

Shilluk [South Sudan, Upper Nile] - Words of Life 1

Shwaia [Sudan, Kurdufan] - Words of Life

Sindhi: Dukslinu [Pakistan, Sindh] - Words of Life 1 (H)

So: Nhommarath [Thailand, Northeastern, Kalasin] - Words of Life

Syuba [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Tamang, Eastern [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Tengo [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life

Tharu: Dangali [Nepal, Province 5, Dang] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Dasauria [Nepal, Province 5, Banke (Bake)] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Deokhar [Nepal] - Everyone Should Know

Tharu, Kathariya [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Mari [Nepal, Province 3, Narayani] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Saptari [Nepal] - Words of Life

Tigrinya [Ethiopia] - Words of Life 1

Togoy [South Sudan] - Words of Life

Toicha [Sudan] - Words of Life

Tripura: Ushai [Bangladesh, Chittagong] - Words of Life

Tsishingini [Nigeria, Niger] - Words of Life

Tugen [Kenya, Baringo] - Words of Life 1

Umm Heitan [Sudan] - Words of Life

ut-Hun [Nigeria, Kebbi] - Words of Life

Vune Mi [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Waata [Kenya, Isiolo] - Words of Life

Walungge [Nepal, Mechi] - The Plain Facts

Warji [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Yakha [Nepal, Koshi] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Yakouba [Côte d'Ivoire] - Words of Life

Yala [Nigeria, Cross River] - Words of Life

Yamphu Rai [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Yendang: Akule & Ikume [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Yoruba: Igbomina [Nigeria, Ogun] - Words of Life

Zul [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life w/ HAUSA: Kano

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