Selections from Lukács evangéliuma - Mixteco de Metlatonoc

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Program száma: 28601
Program hossza: 59:02
Nyelv neve: Mixteco de Metlatonoc

Letöltések és rendelés

Let's Rejoice and Worship Jesus ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 2:1-20 ▪ We Come Before You ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 2:29-52 ▪ Only in Christ is there Salvation ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 3:21-23 ▪ Baptism ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 5:1-11 ▪ I have Decided to Follow Jesus ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 5:27-32 ▪ We are Invited to a Beautiful Feast ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 6:27-36 ▪ Renew Me, Lord Jesus ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 8:40-55 ▪ We Live for Christ ▪ With My Lips I will Praise Him


1. Let's Rejoice and Worship Jesus ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 2:1-20 ▪ We Come Before You ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 2:29-52 ▪ Only in Christ is there Salvation ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 3:21-23 ▪ Baptism ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 5:1-11 ▪ I have Decided to Follow Jesus ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 5:27-32 ▪ We are Invited to a Beautiful Feast ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 6:27-36 ▪ Renew Me, Lord Jesus ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 8:40-55 ▪ We Live for Christ ▪ With My Lips I will Praise Him

Let's Rejoice and Worship Jesus ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 10:25-37 ▪ I will Praise my Lord ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 12:4-7 ▪ I have a Friend whose Name is Jesus ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 12:13-21 ▪ What does it Profit ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 16:19-31 ▪ Jerusalem ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 21:7-19 ▪ The Denial of Peter ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 21:25-36 ▪ The Talents ▪ God Cares about Children


2. Let's Rejoice and Worship Jesus ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 10:25-37 ▪ I will Praise my Lord ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 12:4-7 ▪ I have a Friend whose Name is Jesus ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 12:13-21 ▪ What does it Profit ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 16:19-31 ▪ Jerusalem ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 21:7-19 ▪ The Denial of Peter ▪ Lukács evangéliuma 21:25-36 ▪ The Talents ▪ God Cares about Children

Letöltések és rendelés

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