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Most of the recordings in the Global Recordings Network (GRN) archive were recorded by GRN recordists. GRN may also accept contributions of suitable recordings from other sources. When GRN accepts such recordings, they will be placed in the GRN sound archive and made available for distribution through the GRN websites, apps and other channels. If the recordings being considered are available on-line via a web site of the source organisation, then GRN should not host them, but may set up links from appropriate language pages on the GRN web site to the source organisation's web site. If the source organisation has no plans to make the recordings available on-line, they may choose to ask GRN to host them.
For the recordings to be accepted to the GRN sound archive, certain criteria must be met:
Subject (Program Content)
The topic of the recordings must be regarded as 'complementary' to other recordings GRN may have in that language, or they may be suitable recordings in a language that GRN has not recorded. The content should essentially be evangelistic or teaching material, in line with basic evangelical Christian tenets of faith. Recordings may not be accepted if the content is considered divisive, or carrying an overly strong denominational slant.
Quality and Format
Recordings should be high quality sound recordings with a clear intelligible message. The files will be stored in a managed archive where they will be used by automated processes to create master files for various uses. Because of this, only high quality 16 or 24 bit wav file recordings will generally be acceptable. The preferred recording format is 48-kHz, 24-bit, mono or stereo, and if new recordings are being made, this is the recommended format. However, we want the best, most original copy of the recordings that we can get, whatever the format, and the soundfiles should not be further converted or processed to any particular format to submit them to GRN. MP3s or other 'compressed' formats (or recordings which have been converted from MP3) will generally not be acceptable, as they degrade more noticeably when re-coded for low bandwidth delivery, and they also require extra manual handling. Audio-CDs, or recordings in 'compressed' formats may only be accepted if that is the only format available, and the recordings are seen as having particular merit.
We need to know what the content of the recording is. If the material is based on a script or text which we are not familiar with, an English script, or back translation should accompany the materials. Please specify whether basic content meaning and key terms checks have been done for this script and recording. It will generally be assumed that texts produced by experienced translators of major Bible translation organisations will meet these requirements in their normal processes.
Each recorded program must be accompanied by an appropriately completed External Recordings Form, saved as a PDF. This should be completed by the copyright owner of the recordings, or with the documented permission of the copyright owner. Download the latest External Recordings Form.
GRN will credit the copyright owner on the GRN web site, in the ID3 data in each file, and on the labels of any physical media produced.
The External Recordings Form should provide the following information:
- The language name, closest ISO language code and/or Registry Of Language Varieties code, program title, program content items, and duration.
- It should state whether the program's effectiveness has been evaluated.
- The source of the materials should be specified: When was it recorded? Who recorded it? Who are the speakers, performers and other contributors? In what audio format was it originally recorded and mastered? Who produced the program, and when? What copying, conversion or processing stages has the recording been through since production was completed?
- It should state who is the copyright owner of the materials, and grant GRN either exclusive or non-exclusive distribution rights via the GRN web site and 5fish and other channels.
Revision and Control
Recordings hosted by GRN may require some specific formatting and coding processes to meet the needs of various distribution methods. This will be done as required by GRN studio staff and automation systems.
Any user feedback regarding content and suggestions of further editing or revision should be shared between GRN and the source organisation. Normally, a joint decision should be made as to what, if anything, should be done to the program, and who should do it. This is important to avoid multiple faulty or obsolete versions of the material being distributed from different sources.
The source organisation may wish to completely hand the control of the recordings to GRN. In this case they should grant GRN full control for any subsequent revision or withdrawal of the materials.