5. Jesus Heals a Man with Leprosy, Luka 5:12-16 - Tsumkwe Ju/'hoansi
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Broj programa: 66983
Duljina programa: 20:26
Naziv jezika: Tsumkwe Ju/'hoansi
Preuzimanja i naručivanje
![2. The Boy Jesus at the Temple, Luka 2:41-52](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/audio-bible.jpg)
1. 2. The Boy Jesus at the Temple, Luka 2:41-52
![Jesus Calls His First Disciples, Luka 5:1-11](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/audio-bible.jpg)
2. Jesus Calls His First Disciples, Luka 5:1-11
![Jesus Heals a Man with Leprosy, Luka 5:12-16](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/audio-bible.jpg)
3. Jesus Heals a Man with Leprosy, Luka 5:12-16
![Women who cared for Jesus and his disciples, Luka 8:1-3](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/audio-bible.jpg)
4. Women who cared for Jesus and his disciples, Luka 8:1-3
![The parable of the sower, Luka 8:4-15](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/audio-bible.jpg)
5. The parable of the sower, Luka 8:4-15
![Jesus calms the storm, Luka 8:22-25](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/audio-bible.jpg)
6. Jesus calms the storm, Luka 8:22-25
![The Parable of the Rich Fool, Luka 12:13-21](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/audio-bible.jpg)
7. The Parable of the Rich Fool, Luka 12:13-21
![17. Jesus Heals 10 Men with Leprosy, Luka 17:11-19](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/audio-bible.jpg)
8. 17. Jesus Heals 10 Men with Leprosy, Luka 17:11-19
![19.01. Jesus and Zaccheus, Luka 19:1-10](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/audio-bible.jpg)
9. 19.01. Jesus and Zaccheus, Luka 19:1-10
![19.02. Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey, Luka 19:28-44](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/audio-bible.jpg)
10. 19.02. Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey, Luka 19:28-44
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Copyright © 2017,2018 BSN & SeedCo; Seed Company; Botshelo Trust. Content copyright Bible Society Namibia (BSN) and Seed Company. This recording may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold. ▪ Content copyright Seed Company. This recording may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold. ▪ Recorded by Botshelo Trust, Content copyright jointly by Wycliffe South Africa, Bible Society of Namibia, Botswana and Namibia and Botswana Thimbukushu Bible Translation Steering Committee. This material may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold.
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