India: One man's faith story

India: One man's faith story

Ova stranica trenutno nije dostupna na Hrvatski.

Katta Sai was an ardent worshiper of Kali, the Hindu goddess of death and wrath. In fear of the goddess, Katta Sai often had to lay his offerings at the temple even if his family had to go without food or money.

Frustrated with life, Katta Sai began to hate himself and joined a group of troublemakers who often disrupted church services and ridiculed Christians. One day, Katta Sai suddenly fell ill. Tests revealed he was in an advanced stage of cancer. A despairing Katta Sai knew that death was tapping at his door.

About this time, a local pastor gave Katta Sai a GRN cassette in his Telugu language. The message of Jesus healing the blind man brought so much peace to him that he invited the pastor to pray for him. Katta Sai regretted the trouble he had brought on the Christians in his village and began to cry uncontrollably. The pastor prayed with him and shared the love and forgiveness of Jesus. The Lord miraculously touched Katta Sai. He received the Lord's healing in his soul and body and was baptized. Today Katta Sai and his family are believers and boldly stand for Jesus.

Knowing that the Lord can transform people such as Katta Sai encourages us to press ahead with Project India, believing God will transform countless more lives.

Povezane informacije

Indija - Informacije o Indija

Recordings - Read stories and testimonies of God's transforming power working through GRN audio recordings.