
स्विटजरलैंड से संबंधित जानकारी

Region: यूरोप
Capital: Bern
Population: 8,797,000
Area (sq km): 41,290
FIPS Country Code: SZ
ISO Country Code: CH
GRN Office: GRN Switzerland

Map of स्विटजरलैंड

Map of स्विटजरलैंड

स्विटजरलैंड में बोली जाने वाली भाषाएँ और बोलियाँ

  • Other Language Options
    रिकॉर्डिग्स उपलब्ध हैं
    भाषाओं के नाम
    स्थानीय भाषाएँ

7 भाषाओं के नाम मिले

इताल्वी [Italy] - ISO Language [ita]

जर्मन [Germany] - ISO Language [deu]

फ्रेंच [France] - ISO Language [fra]

German, Swiss: Basel [Switzerland] - ISO Language [gsw]

Romanche: Puter [Switzerland] [roh]

Romansh: Vallader [Switzerland] [roh]

Rumantsch: Oberland [Switzerland] [roh]

स्विटजरलैंड में जन समूह

Albanian, general ▪ Americans, U.S. ▪ Arab, Lebanese ▪ Austrian, Bavarian ▪ Bosniak ▪ British ▪ Croat ▪ Czech ▪ Deaf ▪ Dutch ▪ Filipino, Tagalog ▪ Franco-Provencal ▪ Franco-Swiss ▪ German ▪ German Swiss ▪ Greek ▪ Gypsy, Swiss ▪ Han Chinese, Mandarin ▪ Hungarian ▪ Italian ▪ Iu Mien ▪ Japanese ▪ Jew, French Speaking ▪ Kurd, Kurmanji ▪ Lombard ▪ Macedonian ▪ Portuguese ▪ Rhaeto-Romanian ▪ Romanian ▪ Romani, Sinte ▪ Russian ▪ Serb ▪ South Asian, general ▪ Spaniard ▪ Swedish ▪ Thai, Central ▪ Tibetan, Shangri La ▪ Turk ▪ Walser

स्विटजरलैंड के विषय समाचार

GRN Switzerland - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN Switzerland.

Échos Nouvelles d'GRN Décembre 2022 - Quoi de neuf en Afrique ?

Échos Nouvelles d'GRN Januar 2022 - Rapport sur l'Afrique de l'Ouest

Échos Nouvelles d'GRN #1 2021 - Flash sur le Cameroun

Échos Nouvelles d'GRN #2 2020 - Flash sur le Nigéria

Echos News from GRN #1 2020 - Growing in time of crisis

Echos News from GRN #4 2019 - News flash on Mali

Échos Nouvelles d'GRN #3 2019 - Flash sur la Guinée

Échos Nouvelles d'GRN #2 2019 - Et si nous vivions l'opportunité missionnaire du siècle?

Echos News from GRN #1 2019 - News flash on Ukraine

Philippe Tapernoux - CEO GRN Switzerland. After retiring from a career in the watch business, the Lord gave Philippe a new career with GRN in Switzerland with involvement also in Africa.

Echos News from GRN - Keep you up to date with the work of GRN in French-speaking countries.