The Two Births

The Two Births

מתווה: Sickness of man, spiritually; needs to be reborn in order to go to heaven. Uses illustrations of animals, etc., to show there are different kinds of life. God has another kind of life. We must have His kind of life in order to be able to live in heaven. Tells of Jesus' death for us. Sinner's prayer.

מספר תסריט: 292

שפה: English

נושא: Sin and Satan (Sin, disobedience); Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Eternal life (Eternal / everlasting life); Living as a Christian (Second Birth, Leaving old way, begin new way, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus, Spiritual Life)

קהל: Animist

סִגְנוֹן: Monolog

ז׳נר: Messages and Fiction

מַטָרָה: Evangelism

ציטוט כתבי הקודש: Minimal

סטָטוּס: Approved

סקריפטים הם קווים מנחים בסיסיים לתרגום והקלטה לשפות אחרות. יש להתאים אותם לפי הצורך כדי להפוך אותם למובנים ורלוונטיים לכל תרבות ושפה אחרת. מונחים ומושגים מסוימים שבהם נעשה שימוש עשויים להזדקק להסבר נוסף או אפילו להחלפה או להשמיט לחלוטין.

טקסט תסריט

When we are born, we have a sickness in our hearts called sin. This sickness shows out when we tell lies, steal, talk cross, and kill. All people are born one time of their mothers in this world. This life we receive is fit only to live here on this earth. But if a man is born only once, he cannot go to heaven. God is holy, and nothing unclean can enter there. Yes, a sinful person must stay outside.

That is why God's Word says, "You must be born again." This means we must have a second birth, and receive God's life, which makes a person fit for heaven. You understand that on this ground there are different kinds of life. A fish has one kind of life, a pig another, man has a different life, and God also has another kind of life. Suppose you put a fish on dry land. What will happen to him? Now suppose you put a man who is born only one time, inside God's place in heaven. What will happen to him? That man can't stay in heaven. The life for this world doesn't fit heaven. If a man wants to go to heaven, first he must receive God's life, which makes him fit for heaven. If he doesn't have God's life, he is the same as the pig inside the salt water. Heaven is no place for him.

God's Word says that God sees that all people on the earth are sinful. But God wants all people to go to heaven. But we must be clean first, and have our sins forgiven. We must have God's life in our lives before we can go to God's place in heaven.

Now God has a way (road) for us. Long time ago suppose the Government punished one man for his sins and put him to death. Soldiers would take that man out and nail him to a wooden cross. It was this kind of death that Jesus died. He died for our sins because He never sinned. He was not worthy of death. Jesus died to bring us to God and give us life, a second birth. If you want to receive God's life you can't think, "Jesus died for everyone's sins," and do nothing more. You must say, "He died for my sins," and ask God to forgive you, a sinner, and trust Jesus as the One Who saves you from the punishment of all your sins.

If you want God's life, you pray this short prayer: "Jesus, You know all my sins. I believe You died for me, for my sins, on the cross. I want You to be my Saviour and Lord. I leave my sinful way now. I want God's life, eternal life. I want to go to heaven when I die. In Jesus' name. Amen."

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