

מתווה: Uses the six days of creation to urge sinner to accept the Lord or the backslider to throw off old unfruitful works of darkness. Presupposes some knowledge of Christ.

מספר תסריט: CRE2

שפה: English

נושא: Belief System (Witchcraft, paganism); Eternal life (Heaven); Living as a Christian (Spiritual Growth, Children of God); Bible timeline (Creation); Sin and Satan (Separation from sin, Light/Darkness)

קהל: General

סִגְנוֹן: Monolog

ז׳נר: Messages and Fiction

מַטָרָה: Evangelism; Teaching

ציטוט כתבי הקודש: Extensive

סטָטוּס: Approved

סקריפטים הם קווים מנחים בסיסיים לתרגום והקלטה לשפות אחרות. יש להתאים אותם לפי הצורך כדי להפוך אותם למובנים ורלוונטיים לכל תרבות ושפה אחרת. מונחים ומושגים מסוימים שבהם נעשה שימוש עשויים להזדקק להסבר נוסף או אפילו להחלפה או להשמיט לחלוטין.

טקסט תסריט

Do you know what I am thinking of today? I am thinking of the true God Who created the heavens and the earth just with the Word of His Power. John's Gospel tells us that all things were made by HIM, and without Him was not anything made that was made. (Read John 1:3,4).

In the Old Testament we read how God did the creating of the world in six days, and then rested on the seventh day. This is a very good picture of what happens when ANYBODY TRUSTS in the Lord Jesus Christ, and becomes a new creation - a different man...old things pass away and behold ALL THING BECOME AS NEW! (2 Cor.5:17).

Some people think..."Oh, I believed about Jesus...that's the end of it." But it is not! Let us look at how God created the heavens and the earth.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth became without form and void...and darkness...everybody who has not opened his heart to the Light of the World is in the Darkness. This is just like men all around us today: NIGHT, DARK, the Darkness.

And God said "Let there be Light.." and that is what He may be saying to you today. Will you trust the Lord Jesus today, and have the Light shine into your heart to give you a new creating this very hour?

Do not stop in the new creation by just believing. Jesus said "My sheep hear my voice, and THEY FOLLOW ME." The next thing God did, on the very first day of Creation: He divided the light from the darkness.

Have you? Are you separated from the works of darkness which you did as a pagan? God divided - will you?

Then on the second day, God divided again: the things above, from the waters below. Have you put your heart UPON THINGS ABOVE? Do you know that our real home is in Heaven, and God wants us to divide between the things above from the things of earth.

On the third day, God gathered the waters together and made dry land appear. I know a lot of Christians who are "maimai" (all wet???) God wants us to be fruitful...and often He has to separate us even from things which are in themselves not wrong...just so we can bring forth fruit unto God. "In this is My Father glorified, that ye bring forth much fruit." Then on the fourth day, He talks about the lights: the sun, the moon and the stars. This tells us that we too are the lights of the world, and that God wants each of us to shine for Him right where we are.

Then fifth day He brought forth living creatures in the waters - fish of all kinds, and living creatures in the air - birds. He saw that it was all good, and told them to be fruitful and multiply.

The sixth day, God made every kind of animal in the world: cows, goats, lions, leopards, etc. All of them were very good.

But even that was not all. The end of the creation was MAN himself, made in the very image of God. Like his Creator, God gave him to rule over His fruitful...and happy...and reigning with Him.

Are you, my friend, still unsaved? If so will you let the LIGHT of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus shine into you heart NOW? "To as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the Sons of God." Will you take Him now...and have Him drive away your darkness?

Perhaps someone is listening to this, and who is already saved. You do love the Lord Jesus - but will you throw off those unfruitful works of darkness? Will you let Him make you to bear fruit in every part of your life? Will you ask HIM NOW to make you LIKE UNTO OUR LORD JESUS?

If any man be in Christ, He is a new creation! The old things have passed away, and behold ALL THINGS are become as NEW!

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