הקלטות של התסריט הזה: The Death of Christ (adapted for combined script)

מציג פריטים 1 עד 186 מתוך 186

Abron [Ghana, Brong-Ahafo] - Words of Life

Adele: Lower [Ghana, Volta] - Words of Life 2

Adyghe [Russia, Adygeya] - Words of Life

Alak: Ban Kathu Neua [Laos] - Words of Life

Arabic, Algerian [Algeria] - Words of Life 1

Arabic, Tunisian [Tunisia] - Words of Life

Azoumeina: Marba [Chad, Tandjilé] - Becoming a Friend of God

Badi [Nepal] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Bahing: Rumdali [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Banawa [Brazil, Amazonas] - Words of Life

Batak [Philippines, Luzon, Mimaropa Region, Palawan] - Words of Life

Bhili: Mauchi [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Words of Life

Bobo Madare, Southern: Benge [Burkina Faso, Houé] - Words of Life

Bodo: South Bank Assam [India, Assam] - Words of Life

Bote-Majhi [Nepal] - Words of Life

Braj Bhasha [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Words of Life

Bru, Eastern: Tri [Vietnam] - Words of Life

Bure [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Cakchiquel: Oriental [Guatemala, Huehuetenango] - Words of Life

Cakchiquel: Santa Maria de Jesus [Guatemala] - Words of Life

Central Tibetan: Nepali [Nepal] - The Purpose of Life

Chala [Ghana, Northern] - Words of Life

Chaldean [Iraq] - Words of Life

Chamling [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Chandrabanshi [Nepal, Koshi] - Words of Life - What is True?

Cherepon [Ghana, Eastern] - Words of Life 2

Chin, Khumi: Awa [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 & 2

Chumuru: Yeji [Ghana, Brong-Ahafo] - Words of Life

Cuiba [Colombia, Arauca] - Words of Life

Danuwar [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Darai [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Daurukhi [Nepal] - Our Creator God is Living God

Deni [Brazil, Amazonas] - Words of Life

Dewas [Nepal, Province 3, Bagmati, Makwanpur] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Dhanuk [Nepal] - Words of Life - Good News

Dhimal [Nepal, Mechi, Jhapa] - Words of Life 3

Dinka: Bor [South Sudan, Upper Nile] - Words of Life 3

Doghosie [Burkina Faso, Komoé] - Words of Life

Dolakha [Nepal, Province 3, Dolakha] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Dumi: Kharbari [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Dungmali [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Dwang [Ghana, Brong-Ahafo] - Words of Life

Dwang: Wiase [Ghana, Brong-Ahafo] - Words of Life

Dzùùngoo [Burkina Faso, Kénédougou] - Words of Life

Fulfulde, Adamawa [Cameroon, Adamaoua] - Words of Life

Fulfulde, Adamawa [Cameroon, Adamaoua] - Words of Life 1

Fulfulde, Northeastern Burkina Faso: Liptaakoore [Burkina Faso, Sèno] - Words of Life

Fulfulde, Western Niger: Barani [Burkina Faso, Houé] - Words of Life w/ FULFULDE: Gourmantche

Fulfulde, Western Niger: Gourmantche [Burkina Faso, Gourma] - Words of Life

Garasia [India, Rajasthan] - Words of Life 2

Guan: Boso [Ghana, Eastern] - Words of Life

Guarani, Paraguayan [Paraguay] - Words of Life 2

Guarijio: Bajo [Mexico, Sonora] - Words of Life

Gurung: Kaski [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Gurung: Lamjung [Nepal] - Words of Life

Hayu [Nepal, Janakpur] - Important Information!

Hmar [India, Assam] - Words of Life 2

Humla: Eastern [Nepal, Karnali] - Everyone Should Know This Truth

Ipulo, Tinta [Cameroon, Sud-Ouest] - Becoming a Friend of God

Jaipuri [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Words of Life 2

Jumleli [Nepal] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Kabye [Togo] - Words of Life

Kadiweu [Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul] - Words of Life 2

Kaike [Nepal] - Words of Life - Only One True Way

Kalamse: Loroni [Burkina Faso, Sourou] - Words of Life

Kanjobal: San Juan Ixcoy [Guatemala, Huehuetenango] - Words of Life

Kanuri, Yerwa [Nigeria, Borno] - Words of Life

Karaboro, Eastern [Burkina Faso, Komoé] - Words of Life 2

Kasseng: Attopeu [Laos] - Words of Life

Kayabi [Brazil, Mato Grosso] - Words of Life

Kayapo [Brazil, Mato Grosso] - Words of Life 3

Kayaurinci [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Khaling [India, Sikkim] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Khengkha [Bhutan] - Words of Life

Khmu: Kharok [Laos] - The New Birth and What Comes After

Kiche: Cunen [Guatemala] - Words of Life

Krachi [Ghana, Volta, Kete-Krachi] - Words of Life 2

Kraho [Brazil, Maranhão] - Words of Life 2

Kulina (Brazil) [Brazil, Amazonas] - Words of Life 2

Lao [Laos] - Ballads

Larteh [Ghana, Eastern] - Words of Life

Laveh: Huei Daeng [Laos] - Words of Life

Laven Nong Lao [Laos] - Words of Life

Lhowa [Nepal] - There Is Only One True God

Likpe [Ghana, Volta] - Words of Life

Limbu: Chhatthare [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Limbu: Panthare [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Magar, Eastern [Nepal] - Words of Life w/ NEPALI songs

Magar, Western [Nepal] - Words of Life

Maithili: Bantar [Nepal] - Words of Life - What is True?

Maithili: Thetiya [India, Bihar] - Don't Hide The Truth

Majhi [Nepal] - Yes, this is True Word

Makushi [Brazil, Roraima] - Words of Life 1

Malinke [Senegal] - Words of Life

Manchinere [Bolivia] - Words of Life

Marubo [Brazil, Amazonas] - Words of Life 1

Marwari [Pakistan, Punjab] - Words of Life 5

Maxakali [Brazil, Minas Gerais] - Words of Life

Meitei: Pan-gal [India, Manipur] - Words of Life

Mewahang, Western [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Mishing [India, Assam] - Words of Life

Mixteco de Ocotepec [Mexico, Oaxaca, Putla] - Words of Life

Monogoye [Chad, Tandjilé] - Becoming a Friend of God

Moore: Yana [Burkina Faso, Gourma] - Words of Life

Moore: Zaore [Burkina Faso] - Words of Life

Mu Bomu [Mali, Mopti] - Words of Life 2

Mugali: Karmarong [Nepal, Province 7, Darchula] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Mura-Piraha [Brazil, Amazonas] - Words of Life

Nagamese [India, Nagaland] - Words of Life

Nandi [Kenya, Nandi] - Words of Life 3

Natuoro [Burkina Faso, Komoé] - Words of Life

Nawuri [Ghana, Northern] - Words of Life

Nepali: Achhami [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Nepali: Bajhangi [Nepal] - The Way of Life

Nepali: Bajurali [Nepal] - Words of Life

Nepali: Kalikot [Nepal] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Nepali: Kathmandu [Nepal] - Words of Life 4

Newari: Banepali [Nepal, Province 3, Bagmati] - Don't Hide The Facts

Newari: Bhaktapur [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Newari: Gopali [Nepal] - Words of Life

Newari: Pahari [Nepal] - Words of Life

Newari: Tauthali [Nepal] - The Plain Facts

Nghe: Se Kong [Laos] - Words of Life

Nhengatu [Brazil, Amazonas] - Words of Life

Nizm [Cameroon, Adamaoua] - Words of Life w/FULFULDE:Adamawa songs

Noumou [Burkina Faso, Komoé] - Words of Life

Ntrubo [Ghana, Volta] - Words of Life 2

Nyangbo [Ghana, Volta] - Words of Life

Orau: Northern [India, Bihar] - Words of Life (The Way of Life)

Oy: Sok [Laos] - Words of Life

Portuguese: Brasil Interior [Brazil] - Words of Life

Pougouli [Burkina Faso, Bougouriba] - Words of Life 2

Punjabi, Eastern [India, Punjab] - Words of Life

Rai: Bantawa Bhojpur [Nepal] - Words of Life

Rai: Bantawa Panchthar [Nepal] - The Way of Life

Rai, Thulung [Nepal] - The Hidden Truth

Rung, Byansi [India, Uttarakhand, Pithoragarh] - Words of Life - Only a True Way

Sakha [Russia, Sakha (Yakutiya)] - Words of Life 2

Saliba [Colombia, Arauca] - Words of Life

Santali: Nepal [Nepal] - Words of Life - The True Way

Satalaliya [Nepal, Province 3, Narayani] - Words of Life - Meaning of Life

Sauka: Tinkari [Nepal] - Words of Life - Children of God

Seke [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Senoufo, Nanerige [Burkina Faso, Kénédougou] - Good News

Senoufo, Sicite [Burkina Faso, Kossi] - Words of Life

Sininkere [Burkina Faso, Sanmatenga] - Words of Life

Sissala [Burkina Faso] - Words of Life

So: Muong Luang [Laos] - Words of Life

Sonaaha [Nepal] - Words of Life

Songhay, Humburi Senni: Maranse [Burkina Faso, Sanmatenga] - Words of Life

Souei: Bung Sai [Laos] - Words of Life

Sunuwar [India, Sikkim] - Words of Life 2 (awaiting title)

Suruí [Brazil, Rondônia] - Words of Life

Syuba [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Tachelheit: Demnate [Morocco] - Words of Life

Tamang, Eastern [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Tamazight, Central Atlas [Algeria] - Words of Life 1

Tamberma [Benin, Atakora, Natitingou] - Words of Life

Ta-oi: Pachum [Laos] - Words of Life

Tausug [Philippines, Mindanao, BARMM, Sulu] - Words of Life 1

Tawala [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - Bible stories

Tharu: Dangali [Nepal, Province 5, Dang] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Dasauria [Nepal, Province 5, Banke (Bake)] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Deokhar [Nepal] - Everyone Should Know

Tharu, Kathariya [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Khawas [Nepal, Koshi] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Mahottari [Nepal] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Tharu: Mari [Nepal, Province 3, Narayani] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Morangia [Nepal] - Words of Life - New Life

Tharu, Rana [Nepal, Province 7, Kanchanpur] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Thudam [Nepal] - Jesus Is Only One True Way

Tichurong [Nepal, Karnali] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Ticuna (Brazil) [Brazil, Amazonas] - Words of Life 2

Tumak [Chad, Moyen-Chari] - Becoming a Friend of God

Tupari [Brazil, Rondônia] - Words of Life & Songs

Turka [Burkina Faso, Komoé] - Words of Life

Urdu: Hyderabad [India, Jammu and Kashmir] - Words of Life

Vigue [Burkina Faso, Houé] - Words of Life

Walungge [Nepal, Mechi] - The Plain Facts

Western Parbate Kham [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Xamatari [Venezuela, Amazonas] - Words of Life

Yakha [Nepal, Koshi] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Yamphu Rai [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Yanomami Ninam [Brazil, Roraima, Mucajai] - Words of Life 2

Yawanawa [Brazil, Acre] - Words of Life

Yucuna [Colombia, Amazonas] - Words of Life

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