Latest global prayer news and notes

Esta páxina non está dispoñible actualmente en Galego.

Prayer is the most important part of the work of GRN.

Join our prayer team to receive prayer items like the one above via email and/or pledge to pray for the work of GRN around the world:

"Telling the story of Jesus in every language".

  • Prayer ThoughtsPrayer Thoughts - Read Colin Stott's (GRN's Global Prayer Coordinator) articles on some practical aspect of prayer.

Mantéñase informado

Recibe historias inspiradoras, puntos de oración e formas de participar na conta da historia de Xesús en todos os idiomas

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Información relacionada

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The GRN Community - See what's new through social media, blogs and latest news.

A Call to Prayer - Prayer is a vital way to partner with GRN to bring the gospel to many.