Illas Cook

Información sobre Illas Cook

Region: Oceanía
Capital: Avarua
Population: 17,000
Area (sq km): 236
FIPS Country Code: CW
ISO Country Code: CK
GRN Office: GRN Offices in Oceania

Map of Illas Cook

Map of Illas Cook

Idiomas e dialectos que se falan en Illas Cook

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Atopáronse 3 nomes de idiomas

English: British [United Kingdom, Greater London] [eng]

English: USA [United States of America] [eng]

Rarotongan [Cook Islands] - ISO Language [rar]

Grupos de persoas en Illas Cook

Anglo-New Zealander ▪ Cook Islands Maori, Rarotongan ▪ Euronesian ▪ Niuean ▪ Penrhyn ▪ Pukapuka ▪ Rakahanga-Manihiki