
Información sobre Comoras

Region: África
Capital: Moroni
Population: 852,000
Area (sq km): 1,862
FIPS Country Code: CN
ISO Country Code: KM
GRN Office: GRN Offices in Africa

Map of Comoras

Map of Comoras

Idiomas e dialectos que se falan en Comoras

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Atopáronse 5 nomes de idiomas

Arabic: Classical [Comoros] [arb]

French: Africa [Congo, Democratic Republic of] [fra]

Shimwali [Comoros] - ISO Language [wlc]

Shindzwani [Comoros] - ISO Language [wni]

Shingazidja [Comoros] - ISO Language [zdj]

Grupos de persoas en Comoras

Arab ▪ Comorian, Mwali ▪ Comorian, Ndzwani ▪ Comorian, Ngazidja ▪ Deaf ▪ French ▪ Makua, Makhuwa-Meetto ▪ Malagasy-Antalaotra ▪ Malay ▪ Reunionese Creole ▪ Swahili ▪ Vezo