
Información sobre Malawi

Region: África
Capital: Lilongwe
Population: 20,932,000
Area (sq km): 118,484
FIPS Country Code: MI
ISO Country Code: MW
GRN Office: Global Recordings Network Malawi

Map of Malawi

Map of Malawi

Idiomas e dialectos que se falan en Malawi

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Atopáronse 15 nomes de idiomas

Chichewa [Malawi] - ISO Language [nya]

Chichewa: Nyanja [Zimbabwe] [nya]

Chisena-Chichewa [Mozambique] [seh]

English: East Africa [Kenya] [eng]

Kokola [Malawi] - ISO Language [kzn]

Lambya [Malawi] - ISO Language [lai]

Lomwe, Malawi - ISO Language [lon]

Nyakyusa-Ngonde: Sukwa [Northern, Chitipa] [nyy]

Sena, Malawi - ISO Language [swk]

Tonga [Malawi] - ISO Language [tog]

Tumbuka [Malawi] - ISO Language [tum]

Tumbuka: Phoka [Malawi] [tum]

Tumbuka: Yombe [Malawi] [tum]

Yao [Malawi] - ISO Language [yao]

Zulu [South Africa] - ISO Language [zul]

Grupos de persoas en Malawi

Afrikaner ▪ Ajao ▪ Bemba ▪ British ▪ Deaf ▪ Fipa ▪ French ▪ Greek ▪ Gujarati ▪ Jew, English Speaking ▪ Kachchi ▪ Kokola ▪ Lambya ▪ Lomwe, Nguru ▪ Mpoto ▪ Ndali ▪ Nyakyusa ▪ Nyanja ▪ Nyiha ▪ Nyika ▪ Nyungwe ▪ Portuguese ▪ Sena ▪ Senga ▪ Shona ▪ Swahili ▪ Tonga ▪ Tumbuka ▪ Zulu

Noticias sobre Malawi

Global Recordings Network Malawi - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN in Malawi.

FTS Audio Bible & LLL Impact Stories - The results of media distribution in Nkhotakota, compiled July 2022

FTS Karonga - Nkhotakota Media Tools Distribution Report - Outreach in June and July 2022 in the Nkhotakota district in Malawi

FTS Media Follow Up to Nkhotakota & Salima - Follow-up in Kalimanjira in Nkhotakota and Maganga in Salima 6-11 April 2021

FTS Ministries Media Outreach - Outreach in Salima and Nkhotakota on 23-26 October 2020

Kyangonde and Tumbuka follow-up outreach - July 2019 - An excerpt from the outreach report by Chikumbutso Lunda & Dallion Chitekwere - FTS Ministries

FTS Ministries Annual Report for Media Ministry September 2018 - Audio Bible impact ... Challenges & Plans ... New studio

FTS Ministries Annual Report for Media Ministry July 2017 - Objectives ... Lupembe Pastors Fraternal ... Highlights and Encouragements

FTS Ministries Annual Report for Media Ministry July 2016 - Kyangonde Proclaimer distribution ... Chilumba Pastors Fraternal ... Highlights and Strengths

Lilongwe District (Malawi) Distribution - Chichewa language speakers in listening groups need follow up visits.

Kyangonde and Tumbuka Distribution - The Nyakusa Ngonde Christians will benefit significantly from hearing the LLL series in their own language

FTS Ministries Annual Report for Media Ministry 2014-2015 - Materials arriving ... distribution report ... report on specific distributions ... dreams & challenges for the coming year.

A Visit to Malawi - Travelling in Malawi - GRN's partnership with Fishers, Trainers and Senders - God using GRN's materials - Mud, glorious mud

FTS Ministries Report GRN's visit to Malawi - Dalene Joubert (GRN SA), Christine Platt (GRN AU) and Michael Ropp (GRN SA) visit FTS Ministries from 1-7 February 2015.

FTS Media Ministries Follow Up Report September 2014 - Sep 2014 report: follow up done in Nkhotakota, Nkhatabay, Kasungu, Blantyre & Salima.

FTS Media Ministries Report June 2014 - Fishers, Trainers & Senders (FTS) June 2014 Report of work in Mtakataka and Salima.

Malawi - Lucy and Anton Speak About Using GRN's Materials - Anton and Lucy Meyer interview about using GRN materials in Malawi, and their first impressions on joining GRN.