Global Recordings Network Australia

Esta páxina non está dispoñible actualmente en Galego.

GRN Australia has been serving God by telling the story of Jesus in every language for over 65 years.

Come and explore to hear our story, read our news, learn about our current projects, find out how you can get involved, and to order our resources.

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Contacte connosco by email, phone, post or come and visit us in person.

If you would like to receive our newsletter and prayer diary by post and/or email each month you can subscribe here.

Mantéñase informado

Recibe historias inspiradoras, puntos de oración e formas de participar na conta da historia de Xesús en todos os idiomas

GRN trata a información persoal co máximo coidado e discreción. Ao enviar este formulario, aceptas que GRN utilice esta información para atender a túa solicitude. Non o utilizaremos para ningún outro propósito nin o divulgaremos a ningunha outra parte, salvo que sexa necesario para atender a súa solicitude. Consulta a Política de Privacidade para obter máis información.

Información relacionada

GRN Offices in Oceania - Information from your local GRN office in Oceania, including Australia and Papua New Guinea, also covering New Zealand and Vanuatu.

Oceania - The work of GRN in Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, and the pacific.

Australia - Información sobre Australia

Full Time Trainee Recordist - Opportunity for a Bible college graduate: get field recording experience and obtain TAFE qualification in Sound Production.