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Dear Prayer Partners,
A ten mile run had made me thirsty! I was part of a Cross Country Running Team in my high school days. On a Saturday morning, several of us decided to run 10 miles before lunch. I was surprised after the run at lunch how sweet the un-sweetened tea tasted! "On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, 'Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink." John 7:37 NIV
We can prepare recordings of the Good News, but unless people are thirsty for it's meaning, our work could be in vain. Please pray that those who hear our recordings will be spiritually thirsty. Thanks for lifting up our requests during October. We thank God for you.
Jon Rulison
Prayer Guide for GRN Thailand October 2024
1) (Tue) Water is important. But too much can cause flooding! Pray safety for our GRN co-workers in nearby countries where their fellow countrymen have been devastated and lives lost from flooding. We had heavy flooding in parts of Chiangmai last week. Boi's home was flooded and many neighbors in the GRNT office area and other parts of North Thailand are suffering from flooding. Pray the flood waters will go down quickly and for many suffering to have their needs met both physically and spiritually.
2) (Wed) Isaan and other Groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength, good health and wisdom for Pastor Supote and his wife as they serve God, 2) Good health and strength for June's family who have had the flu, 3) Wisdom and good health for Pastor Prasit and his family as they serve God, and for finances to repair their vehicle, 4) Sufficient finances for the needs of the church, 5) Wisdom and good health for Bee as she serves God, studies His Word and as she goes to her doctor appointments in Bangkok 1-2 October, and 6) Bok, a new believer.
3) (Thur) From Boi's family: Praise God that after Boi's house flooded last week, the flood waters have abated enough for Boi's family to all be back in their home. Please pray for the following: 1) That there will be no more flooding this year, 2) Strength and wisdom for Boi and Aom as they serve the Lord with GRNT, 3) Good health for the whole family including Boi's parents in Petchaboon Province and Aom's father and siblings in Amphur Mae Jam, and 4) Boi's three daughters to obey their parents and grow in the Lord.
4) (Fri) GRNT travels to South Thailand this month to visit the Moken and give 60 MP3 players with recordings of the Moken New Testament to people who will take them to Myanmar for the Moken there. Pray that the players will reach their destination safely and be a great blessing to those who listen to the recordings. Pray also for a good visit with Moken friend Uu and other Moken that they will be encouraged and strengthened in following Christ, and for blessing on the distribution of MP3 players with the recordings to Moken who live in Thailand.
5) (Sat) Thai Song Dam (from Suphanburi Province) and other groups: Please pray for the following: 1) The children's camp today at Don Glang Church, 2) Preparations for the Suphanburi youth camp 21-28 October at Don Glang New Life, 3) Wisdom for Ploy as she takes training 15-16 October to be a group leader in youth teams, 4) Good health for the church members as many are sick, 5) Safety for Kwan, Go's wife, as she gives birth by C-section 21 October, and 6) Ploy as she teaches children at Suphanburi Revival meetings on 18 October.
6) (Sun) Lawa in Pae Village: Please pray for the following: 1) Unity and cooperation for the church members as they make handicrafts (woven cloth and baskets etc.) for the church thanksgiving service to bring income into the church, 2) God's blessing for the church members as they prepare performances for the Christmas celebration, 3) Safety and strength for Dough and Chat as they work in the fields, 4) Healing for Dough's mother who has ear pain; medicines have not helped, and 5) Good health and strength for Baby Esther.
7) (Mon) Please pray for Joshua's son Paul as he begins teaching English at the GRNT office to adults in the community on Wednesdays and to local children on Saturdays. Pray that God will bring the people He wants to come and pray for God's blessing on Paul as he teaches.
8) (Tue) Pray for safety for Jon and Clair as they fly to Nepal today. Their children, Brook and Forest, with their spouses, Paul and Lauren, will join them on 16 October for a vacation together. Please pray for health, safety and a refreshing time.
9) (Wed) Working with Paw, our Nyeu language helper, last month, showed us the value of spending more time helping the speaker to practice giving good expression to the content. Pray for Paw as she plays the unedited recording for a few "content and sound checkers" in her area. We are hoping for an accurate evaluation.
10) (Thur) Pray for wisdom and accuracy for Lot as he edits the Good News recording (Pictures 1-22) in the Nyeu language and for him to find good appropriate music to add to the recording.
11) (Fri) From Joshua and Gloria: Please pray for the following: 1) Both of them to be strengthened physically and spiritually, 2) The Holy Spirit to shape and guide the W3 youth ministry and the Love Touch Ministry, 3) God's glory and grace to be upon the ordination service on 20 October of Joshua's son, Pastor John in the USA, and 4) Joshua to have a great time with his mom in Korea and with his son John and his family in the USA.
12) (Sat). From Dan and Na Tisdale in the USA: Please pray for the Tisdale Family, as they continue to persevere through some difficult challenges while in the States. Pray that they would be united as a family and that they would keep their eyes fixed on the Lord of lords and King of kings each and every day.
13) (Sun) Thai Song Dam Group in Kanchanaburi Province: Please pray for the following: 1) All of the students from elementary and high school as they take their exams the end of this month, 2) Guitar and Sprite as they attend youth camp this month, 3) God's blessing on the children's camp this month, and 4) Good health and strength for Pastor Song and others who are serving the Lord.
14) (Mon) Yoy and other groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Wisdom, strength and encouragement for God's servants and their families, 2) Good health and a strong faith for all of the church members, and 3) Safety in travel, God's help, and the provision of every need as the church members attend a Christian camp in Korat 14-16 October.
15) (Tue) Pray for the provision of the remaining finances needed for the Christian camp for Urak Lawoi children 21-22 October. The camp theme is Words of Life. Pray for a good, safe, fun time and that the kids will learn more about Christ and His word and for them to want to follow Him and give their lives to Him.
16) (Wed) So Thavung Group: Thank God that Pastor Lek and his friends returned from Vietnam safely during rainy weather. Please pray for the following: 1) Safety in travel for Pastor Lek, Pastor Wirat and Pastor Pradit, 2) Wisdom and good health for their families and the people at the churches, 3) Grandma Khin's family, Net's family, Canthip's family and the villagers to have good health and that their crops won't be destroyed by the flooding, 4) The Holy Spirit to continue to open the people's hearts to believe in Him only, and 5) Wisdom for the Pastors to know how to follow up the So Thavung.
17) (Thur) Phu Thai Renu and other groups: Please pray for the following: 1) God to provide a full time pastor at Renu Nakhon Church, 2) The evangelistic ministry for the extension of the kingdom of God, and 3) Good health for all of the church members and for them to grow in Christ.
18) (Fri) From Lot's family: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength and safety in travel for Maethee and Anna as they work in the Chiangmai area, and 2) Complete healing for Rappon as she receives artificial sunlight treatment twice a week for chronic sores on her hands and feet from a skin infection.
19) (Sat) Phu Thai Nakae and other groups in Nakhon Phanom: Please pray for God's help and blessing on the following: 1) The construction of the church building in Wang Yang District, 2) Meetings of the Provincial Protestant Church Coordinating Committee in Nakhon Phanom, 3) Wisdom in choosing a place for the annual camp, 4) The opening of a center to train youth in leadership, 5) Moving the restaurant to the church, and 6) Every church in Nakhon Phanom to grow.
20) (Sun) Pray for Jon and Clair, as they organize the schedule for advanced training of participants from all the GRN Asia recording teams in February 2025.
21) (Mon) Nyaw Group: Please pray for wisdom for GRNT in seeking to learn why the Nyaw don't seem interested in the Gospel and in writing a script that will really speak to the heart needs of the Nyaw. GRNT knows of only 4 Nyaw Christians and they are all men. Pray for a work of God's Spirit in this group that more will come to know Christ.
22) (Tue) Mpi group: Thank God that a ministry partner is interested to do some language research with the Mpi. Please pray for wisdom and God's guidance for GRNT as we introduce this partner ministry to our Mpi contacts.
23) (Wed) The recording team of ministry partners (not GRN staff) in a nearby country: Praise the Lord that two team members can participate in a future recording team upgrade and that the team and their families were safe during the typhoon. Please pray for the following: 1) Safety in travel for all of the team members including their leaders in the country and overseas, 2) Good health and wisdom for meetings, 3) Wisdom how to help people who were hurt during the recent typhoon, and 4) The team to have time to finish editing the Good News in one language soon.
24) (Thur) Pray for wisdom and creativity as Jon and Clair and other GRN trainers prepare ways for the Asia participants to explore subjects related to language research, culture research, and content development during the February training next year.
25) (Fri) Nyah Kur and Isaan Groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength and good health for B and G, and good opportunities to share Christ with people in Ireland, 2) B's relatives to receive Jesus as their Savior, 3) Thep and his wife to truly trust Christ and abide in Him, and 4) Wisdom and strength for all of the pastors and church leaders as they follow up new believers, and good health for all.
26) (Sat) Vietnamese Thai prayers requests: Please pray for the following: 1) Safety and good health for Pastor Narong and Tinh as they visit their family and help the people who were harmed by the typhoon last month, 2) The other leaders to have wisdom, good health and safety in travel during their outreach for 4 days to encourage other groups, 3) The believers to be strong in the Lord so they can share the Gospel to their family members and for the Holy Spirit to open people's hearts to believe in Him soon in Nakhon Phanom and Mukdahan, and 4) Safety, good health and wisdom for Pastor Tam and his family as they help others in various places.
27) (Sun) The GRN Thailand team wants to grow in our ability to carry out the many different tasks involved in making excellent recordings for the language groups we serve. Pray for us as members of the team take on new responsibilities. Pray also that we will be able to add new team members in the future.
28) (Mon) Kerry and Von are in the USA for home assignment. Pray for good health, wisdom and safety as they continue to visit prayer partners and supporters.
29) (Tue) Phu Thai and other groups in Sakhon Nakhon and Mukdahan Provinces: Please pray for the following: 1) The provision of 30,000 baht needed to add on to the church building, 2) The leaders of cell groups in three villages, 3) Wisdom and good health for the team who follows up new believers, and 4) Wisdom and the provision of every need for Pastor Wichai and his family and Pastor Meesak and his family as they serve the Lord.
30) (Wed) Please pray for God's direction for MGT in planning to visit villagers in mountain areas to be a witness and encouragement to many during the months of November and December after the rainy season is over.
31) (Thur) Please pray for Jaew to have strength and good health. Also continue to pray that the documents for the continuation of board members of SOLF will be approved soon by the government office.