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We know the devil is a powerful adversary, but do we ever wonder what our ancient foe thinks of you and me? Are we known in the enemy camp for being formidable opponents and prayer warriors always hindering the devil's plans, or are we considered harmless? And what makes us either formidable or harmless?
Being a proactive intercessor will make us a serious threat to the enemy. Not just praying for family and friends (which of course we should do), but doing battle on our knees for our communities, our nation and our world. Not just praying for personal needs, but contending in prayer with the strongholds of atheism, Islam, Hinduism and other false religions, and interceding for the great missionary enterprise to make disciples of all nations. We can truly influence world affairs from our prayer closets.
It has been said that Satan trembles when he sees even the weakest saints on their knees. And yet a passive, prayerless life poses no threat and allows the enemy to carry out his schemes without resistance.
Being consistent in praising God also makes us a major threat to the enemy. Our Lord inhabits the praises of His people and whatever He inhabits leaves no room for the enemy. The powers of darkness have to flee. If our lives are characterized however by much grumbling and complaining and failing to praise God in all things, we will contribute to an environment in which the enemy thrives.
We must be on our guard though. Our ability to be a formidable foe can easily be undermined as the devil tries continually to gain a foothold in our lives. Unless we walk daily in the Spirit, put on the whole armor of God, live in moral purity with a clear conscience, we will be ineffectual in battle. We can't fight the enemy with a lack of personal holiness, with unconfessed sin and without spiritual empowering and protection.
Most of us will never be well known in this present world. But being known in the heavenlies as a faithful and bold prayer warrior is a good reputation to have. And with so much riding on the prayers of God's people - not least the eternal destiny of millions of souls and His glory among the nations - it is not a reputation that should be considered optional for any of us.
Colin Stott
Global Prayer Coordinator