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considerable damage was done to the GRN van
With over 165 million people, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and, according to Wikipedia, the 7th most populous country in the world. It has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Apart from a small percentage who practise traditional religions, the population is fairly evenly divided between those who claim to be Christian and those who claim to be Muslim.
According to GRN data there are more than 1000 language varieties spoken in Nigeria. Over 500 of these have had some recordings made in them.
Good News
What does not appear in the press is the news that God is at work in Nigeria. Here are a few extracts from Kish's writings...
"In October 2009, we were able to attend a mission conference in Niger state and supply Saber players, Good News flipcharts and VCDs to some missionaries working in a very 'hard' area. Most of the people in this zone are still covered with spiritual darkness. It is hard to find even ten Christians in many tribes. Some tribes have no Christians at all. Some who have come to faith are facing persecution. The missionaries working among these groups are facing the forces of darkness all the time."
Please pray that these materials given to the missionaries would transform the lives of the people.
Together in Ministry
Sabon Layi is in Kaduna state and is sometimes referred to as "No man's land". Nine languages are spoken there. One of the "Evangelical Church of West Africa" churches in Jos provided funds which enabled GRN Nigeria to conduct an outreach into Sabon Layi.
"The first challenge was just getting there. The roads were nearly impassable and we needed to get pulled out of the mud by a 'caterpillar' road machine!
"Once there we were able to supply evangelistic materials to leaders from several churches and get involved in outreach ministry. We went to a place where young people take drugs and were able to share the good news of Jesus with them. We even went into a beer parlour and met an old soldier who knew a lot of the Scriptures but whose life has never been changed. At night time, we showed Christian films. We were also able to distribute Gospel cassettes to many people in the area.
"We were encouraged by the way many Muslim women received the gospel cassettes in their own language with great joy.
Please pray that God's word will take root in the lives of many who heard it."
Nigeria in the News
Nigeria has been in the news of late and the news has not been good. There has been violence and bloodshed which has deep and complicated roots in religion and tribalism.
Much of the trouble has been in Plateau State where the GRN office is located.
Our team in Jos (Capital of Plateau State), led by Pastor Kish Hai Bai are giving thanks to God that they have been kept safe through the violence, despite considerable damage to their van.
From an enthusiastic 'user'!
Evangelist Daniel works mainly among Muslims and he is a major user of the GRN Good News presentation.
He writes, "I am so excited by the Good News presentation especially since it is now available in VCD video format. Initially, we were using only the audio track with the flipcharts, but with the invention of the VCD, it has been wonderful! In fact, it has lessened our work load in the area of teaching.
This VCD gets to Muslim women in 'purdah' (seclusion) who are locked up in their homes where a non Muslim cannot enter. We send in the VCD in secret. The pictures are self explanatory going through the Bible story within a short time. It has been so effective in our work, and has led many to Christ. One of the catching pictures that led two people recently to Christ was picture 21 that talks about the cross. The picture with the Cross means a lot to them. This led them to know the narrow and broad ways.
The Good News VCD is a great presentation! I urge anyone who wants to use a simple tool for evangelism to use it. Here in the Northern part of this country, it has been a great material for evangelism. I pray that God will bless those who played a part in introducing this material.