New and Revised Recordings

New and Revised Recordings

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GRN recordists and our partners continue to record new material across the world.

Studio staff also work to restore, remaster and update many older recordings.

Here's a summary of how many programs have been newly released in the last year, or updated in the last 6 months, along with a count of how many languages these programs represent.

New Languages are those that have been recorded for the first time.

New programs in the last 12 monthsUpdated in the last 6 months
ProgrammesLanguesNouveau LanguesProgrammesLangues
Les Amériques1612397

Informations reliées

Contenu audio et audiovisuel - Un large éventail de ressources culturellement appropriées dans plus de 6 500 langues, particulièrement adaptées aux communicateurs oraux.