langue Ayta, Mag-Indi

Langue requise: Ayta, Mag-Indi
Code de langue ISO: blx
Portée de la langue: ISO Language
Etat de la langue: Verified
Numéro de langue GRN: 7417
Balise de langue IETF: blx

Échantillon de Ayta, Mag-Indi


Enregistrements audio disponibles en Ayta, Mag-Indi

Nous n'avons aucun enregistrement disponible pour cette langue.

Audio/Vidéo d'autres sources

Jesus Film Project films - Ayta, Mag-Indi - (Jesus Film Project)

Autres noms pour Ayta, Mag-Indi

Ayta Mag-Indi
Indi Ayta
Mag-Indi Ayta
Mag-Indi Sambal

Où Ayta, Mag-Indi est parlé


Groupes de personnes qui parlent Ayta, Mag-Indi

Ayta, Mag-Indi

Information à propos de Ayta, Mag-Indi

Autre information: "The Ayta have a hard time understanding Bible stories unless a lot of historical and background information is given. Even with this information they still struggle in undestand scriptures in their own language. We have found bible storytelling best for them since they can discuss a passage and ask questions.

Population: 5,000

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