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by Christine Platt CEO
International Leadership Team meetings in Asia mark the beginning of 2017. These meetings are opportunities to see where God has taken us, and to pray, dream and see where He might be leading us next.
We exist to tell the story of Jesus in every language. That purpose has not changed in 78 years.
However, phones and mp3 players have replaced records and the internet has largely replaced the postal system. Our computer experts will continue to monitor technology and keep us abreast of changes.
Pray for us as we seek to provide gospel messages in formats people are using around the world and to make them freely available.
Recordists around the world have plans to record in many different languages. We want to recruit young Australian recordists. We need more recordists around the globe and Australia is a likely place to find them. We hope to offer one-year 'apprentice recordist' positions from 2018, wherein young people give a year of their lives to recording. They would learn the basics and go out in pairs to record.
We hope some will get a taste for recording and continue, while the rest will have made a valuable contribution during their time with us.
The world is a dangerous and scary place for a lot of people right now. We have the opportunity to help many Christians tell their new neighbours why they love them in their own language.
We can equip Christians visiting refugee camps with the 5fish app, SD cards and mp3 players to tell the story of Jesus in people's own languages well before they can learn the language of their new home or place of refuge. Some of our European centres are actively teaching local churches how to reach out to the refugees in their midst.
We are producing scripts for refugees, traumatised children, and new general scripts suited to the digital age. Pray for our script writers to produce scripts which will be interesting and point people towards Jesus.
Looking at our work globally, financially supporting our staff is a real bottleneck to growth. We could easily have teams, three or four times larger, effectively recording and distributing God's word in many nations. Staff cannot recruit because they lack finances.
In Australia we thank God that our staff support has increased by 38% over the past year. He has been pleased to use a new system we have implemented - pray as we seek to encourage other centres to follow suit.
We also want to encourage the Australian church with stories of what God is doing around the world. Our people have the privilege of seeing God at work in ways we don't often see in Australia. It is encouraging to hear the stories and to know that our God is alive and active in His world.