
Information à propos de Zimbabwe

Region: Afrique
Capital: Harare
Population: 16,665,000
Area (sq km): 390,759
FIPS Country Code: ZI
ISO Country Code: ZW
GRN Office: GRN Offices in Africa

Map of Zimbabwe

Map of Zimbabwe

Langues et dialectes parlés en Zimbabwe

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Trouvé 16 noms de langues

Chichewa: Nyanja [Zimbabwe] [nya]

Chimanyika [Zimbabwe] - ISO Language [mxc]

English: Africa [Sierra Leone] [eng]

Kalanga [Zimbabwe] - ISO Language [kck]

Kunda [Zimbabwe] - ISO Language [kdn]

Nambya [Zimbabwe] - ISO Language [nmq]

Ndau [Zimbabwe] - ISO Language [ndc]

Ndébélé Du Nord [Zimbabwe] - ISO Language [nde]

Shona [Zimbabwe] - ISO Language [sna]

Shona: Karanga [Zimbabwe] [sna]

Shona: Zezuru [Zimbabwe] [sna]

Tsonga [South Africa, Limpopo] - ISO Language [tso]

Tswana [Zimbabwe] - ISO Language [tsn]

Venda [South Africa, Limpopo] - ISO Language [ven]

Xhosa [South Africa, Eastern Cape] - ISO Language [xho]

Zoulou [South Africa] - ISO Language [zul]

Groupes de personnes en Zimbabwe

Afrikaner ▪ Ajao ▪ Bemba ▪ Birwa ▪ British ▪ Coloured ▪ Deaf ▪ Doma, Vadoma ▪ Dombe ▪ Greek ▪ Jew, English Speaking ▪ Kalanga ▪ Kua ▪ Kunda ▪ Lozi ▪ Makua, Makhuwa-Meetto ▪ Manyika ▪ Marathi ▪ Nambya ▪ Ndau, Shona ▪ Ndebele ▪ Nsenga ▪ Nyanja ▪ Nyungwe ▪ Pedi, North Sotho ▪ Portuguese ▪ Sena ▪ Shona ▪ Shona-Karanga ▪ Shona-Korekore ▪ Shona-Zezuru ▪ Swazi ▪ Tawara ▪ Tonga, Zambezi ▪ Tshara-Tshao ▪ Tsonga ▪ Tswa ▪ Tswana ▪ Tswana-Tawana ▪ Tumbuka ▪ Venda ▪ Xhosa ▪ Zimbabwian Gujarati ▪ Zulu

Nouvelles à propos de Zimbabwe

Project Zimbabwe - The need remains for audio Bibles and GRN Bible-based Bridge materials in oral-learning communities

Webster Gwanzura - Webster handles distribution of materials in Zimbabwe