
Information à propos de Somalie

Region: Afrique
Capital: Mogadishu (Muqdisho)
Population: 18,143,000
Area (sq km): 637,000
FIPS Country Code: SO
ISO Country Code: SO
GRN Office: GRN Offices in Africa

Map of Somalie

Map of Somalie

Langues et dialectes parlés en Somalie

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Trouvé 3 noms de langues

Af Maay Maay [Somalia] - ISO Language [ymm]

Arabe [Djibouti] - Macrolanguage [ara]

Somali [Somalia] - ISO Language [som]

Groupes de personnes en Somalie

Afar ▪ Amhara, Ethiopian ▪ Arab ▪ Arab, Omani ▪ Arab, Yemeni ▪ Aweer ▪ Baloch, Southern ▪ Dabarre ▪ Deaf ▪ Digil-Rahawiin, Juba Somali ▪ French ▪ Garre ▪ Italian ▪ Jiiddo ▪ Mushunguli ▪ Oromo, Southern ▪ Oromo, Tulama ▪ Somali ▪ South Asian, general ▪ Swahili ▪ Tunni