
Information à propos de Estonie

Region: Europe
Capital: Tallinn
Population: 1,323,000
Area (sq km): 45,215
FIPS Country Code: EN
ISO Country Code: EE
GRN Office: Bureaux GRN en Europe

Map of Estonie

Map of Estonie

Langues et dialectes parlés en Estonie

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Trouvé 2 noms de langues

Estonian - Macrolanguage [est]

Estonian, Standard - ISO Language [ekk]

Groupes de personnes en Estonie

Armenian ▪ Azerbaijani, North ▪ Bashkir ▪ Belorusian ▪ British ▪ Bulgarian ▪ Chuvash ▪ Deaf ▪ Estonian ▪ Finnish ▪ Georgian ▪ German ▪ Greek ▪ Ingrian ▪ Jew, Eastern Yiddish-Speaking ▪ Karelian ▪ Kazakh ▪ Komi-Yazva ▪ Korean ▪ Latvian ▪ Lezgian ▪ Lithuanian ▪ Mari, High ▪ Mordvinian ▪ Ossete ▪ Polish ▪ Romani, Calo ▪ Russian ▪ Rusyn ▪ South Asian, general ▪ Tatar ▪ Udmurt ▪ Ukrainian ▪ Uzbek, Southern ▪ Voro