Tupãn ran pooxtʉʉy [TLC Lesson 18 - Elävä Kristus Shows the Way to Heaven] - Daw

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Raamattuoppitunnit Jeesuksen Kristuksen elämästä ja palvelutyöstä. Jokainen käyttää 8- 12 kuvan valikoimaa suuremmasta The Living Christ 120- kuvasarjasta.

Ohjelman numero: 67311
Ohjelman pituus: 11:56
Kielen nimi: Daw

Lataukset ja tilaaminen

Introdução [Johdanto]


1. Introdução [Johdanto]

Figura 2 - Rĩn Tupãn nêe yẽem [Kuva 2 – How God created the earth (God Created all Things)]


2. Figura 2 - Rĩn Tupãn nêe yẽem [Kuva 2 – How God created the earth (God Created all Things)]

Figura 3 - Rẽer niyar Adão mẽe Eva [Kuva 3 - The serpent deceived Adam and Eve]


3. Figura 3 - Rẽer niyar Adão mẽe Eva [Kuva 3 - The serpent deceived Adam and Eve]

Figura 4 - Tupãn wandâr Adão Eva did [Kuva 4 - God expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden Eden (Adam and Eve Cast Out)]


4. Figura 4 - Tupãn wandâr Adão Eva did [Kuva 4 - God expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden Eden (Adam and Eve Cast Out)]

Figura 5 - Tupãn wâymam Abrãao did [Kuva 5 – God speaks to Abraham]


5. Figura 5 - Tupãn wâymam Abrãao did [Kuva 5 – God speaks to Abraham]

Figura 7 Tupãn mâç wâymam Maria did [Kuva 7. The Angel Speaks to Mary]


6. Figura 7 Tupãn mâç wâymam Maria did [Kuva 7. The Angel Speaks to Mary]

Figura 9 - Maria Tee tan Tupãnay [Kuva 9 - Mary gave birth to Jesus]


7. Figura 9 - Maria Tee tan Tupãnay [Kuva 9 - Mary gave birth to Jesus]

Figura 107 - Rid dôo’ xâd tupãan’ kasãm nã’id sê [Kuva 107 – They took Jesus to die for us (Jesus Led Out to be Crucified)]


8. Figura 107 - Rid dôo’ xâd tupãan’ kasãm nã’id sê [Kuva 107 – They took Jesus to die for us (Jesus Led Out to be Crucified)]

Figura 108 - Tupãan’ kasãm Cruz red [Kuva 108 –Jesus died on the cross (The Crucifixion)]


9. Figura 108 - Tupãan’ kasãm Cruz red [Kuva 108 –Jesus died on the cross (The Crucifixion)]

Figura 110 - Tupãan’ bey yʉm bey [Kuva 110 – Jesus Is Risen]


10. Figura 110 - Tupãan’ bey yʉm bey [Kuva 110 – Jesus Is Risen]

Figura 114 - Tupãan’ ran tʉʉm’ sunʉʉy [Kuva 114 – Jesus appears to two disciples]


11. Figura 114 - Tupãan’ ran tʉʉm’ sunʉʉy [Kuva 114 – Jesus appears to two disciples]

Figura 118 - Tupãan saak poox rid [Kuva 118 – Jesus ascends to heaven]


12. Figura 118 - Tupãan saak poox rid [Kuva 118 – Jesus ascends to heaven]

Lataukset ja tilaaminen

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