Thailand Financial Prayer Requests 2024

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There are only a few Nyeu Christians and because there has not been much follow-up or any resources to help them, most of them have drifted away. There are no recordings in the Nyeu language of 11,000 speakers, located in the Southeastern part of Isaan. After researching the Nyeu language, it was determined to record the new Thai Good News script (Pictures 1-22) in the Nyeu language. Our language helper, Paw, has translated the script into her language and the translation has been checked through back-translation into Thai. Paw is practicing for future recording. Once the recording has been made, distribution and followup of those who have received the recordings is essential, before additional recordings can be produced.

Funds currently needed: AU $5100


There are only a few Nyaw Christians. We would like to do additional research, recording, distribution and follow-up in the Nyaw language. An initial brief recording was made, but so far most of the Nyaw people are very closed to the Gospel. The handful of believers need encouragement and help in reaching their group with the Gospel. Pray for wisdom and strong relationships that lead to the development of a script or scripts that would speak to the hearts of the Nyaw. Pray for God to provide language helpers that have a good testimony in their community, who can speak the language fluently and effectively.

Funds currently needed: AU $6400


The MGT project needs funds so that teams can continue to go on outreaches to various villages. These outreaches open doors for the Gospel to spread further in smaller communities through the MP3 players and Love Touch and provide encouragement to pastors and other Christian leaders who are serving the Lord in difficult circumstances.

Funds currently needed: AU $1300


Some recordings were made years ago and need to be replaced to meet the current needs of the people. There are many languages in which the recordings need to be evaluated and some in which additional material is needed.

Funds currently needed: AU $3600


We would like to be able to have a youth camp for the Urak Lawoi this year in October. Many Urak Lawoi get caught up in gambling and alcohol, with little other purpose in life. This camp will be an opportunity for them to make a different choice and follow the Lord instead. We also need funds for continued distribution of MP3 players and follow-up of those who have heard the Good News. When our GRNT team visits, this provides an opportunity for the Urak Lawoi pastor to visit churches on other islands and is a mutual encouragement both for him and those leaders serving on other islands.

Funds currently needed: AU $4100


There are a number of Vietnamese Thai living in Northeast Thailand. Most are unreached with the Gospel. We would like to be able to do more outreach ministry with local Thai/Vietnamese Churches and also provide access to resources (MP3 players and Vietnamese and Thai recordings and scripts) that can help the Vietnamese come to know the Lord and grow in their faith. There are also sometimes opportunities to evaluate recordings and potentially make new recordings for languages that are hard to reach in Vietnam because of the current political situation.

Funds Currently Needed: AU $2500

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