TLC Lesson 14 - The Living Christ and the Word of God - Part 2
طرح کلی: Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #14 - Pictures 46, 47, 79, 108, 110, 117, 119, 96.
شماره کتاب: 454
زبان: English
موضوع: Character of God (Word of God (the Bible))
مخاطبان: General
هدف: Teaching
Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; Extensive Scripture
وضعیت: Approved
اسکریپت ها( سندها)، دستورالعمل های اساسی برای ترجمه و ضبط به زبان های دیگر هستند. آنها باید در صورت لزوم تطبیق داده شوند تا برای هر فرهنگ و زبان مختلف قابل درک و مرتبط باشند. برخی از اصطلاحات و مفاهیم مورد استفاده ممکن است نیاز به توضیح بیشتری داشته باشند، یا جایگزین، یا به طور کامل حذف شوند.
متن کتاب
Let us learn some more about the Word of God which the Prophet Jesus brought to the people. You will need these pictures from 'The Living Christ' set. Select numbers 46, 47, 79, 108, 110, 117, 119, and 96.
Picture 46. Jesus Calms the Storm
Mark 4:35-41
Jesus showed in many ways that His words were God's words. Jesus was no ordinary man. His word had great power. One day He and His disciples were in a boat on the lake. A great storm came up. They were in great danger. Then Jesus spoke to the wind and the waves. At the command of Jesus, the wind stopped and the waves ceased!
Picture 47. Jesus Heals a Man with Many Demons
Mark 5:1-20
Another time, Jesus commanded evil spirits to come out of a man. The spirits had to obey Him. They came out of the man and they entered some pigs. You can see the pigs in the picture. The pigs rushed into the lake and were drowned. The word of Jesus had power over the evil spirits.
Picture 79. Jesus Raises Lazarus from Death
John 11:1-44
Another time Jesus commanded a dead man to come out of the grave. The man had been dead four days. The people had put his dead body in a cave. But the word of Jesus was so powerful that the dead man came alive. He got up and walked out of the cave as you see in this picture! The words of Jesus had power over nature; they had power over evil spirits and they had power over death.
Picture 108. The Crucifixion
Mark 15:25-39
Some evil people would not believe the words of Jesus. They would not believe that He spoke the words of God. So they took Jesus and they put Him to death. Jesus allowed them to kill Him. They nailed Him to a wooden cross and they left Him to die. Two criminals died beside Him as you see in this picture. They died as punishment for their sins. But Jesus died for the sins of others. He became the sacrifice to save all men and women. By His sacrifice, He opened the way for all people to have fellowship with God again.
Picture 110. The Women at the Tomb
Matthew 28:1-7
God spoke again! Jesus did not remain in the grave. God raised Him from the dead. On the third day after His death, some women went to the tomb of Jesus. His body was gone. An angel appeared to them. You can see him in this picture. The angel said, "Jesus is not here. He is risen!" The resurrection of Jesus had been prophesied in God's written Word many centuries before. In the Psalms of David (16:8-10) God said, " will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay."
Picture 117. Jesus Commissions His Disciples
Matthew 28:16-20
After Jesus arose from the dead, He appeared to His disciples. For 40 days after He came out of the grave, they saw Him many times. They knew He was the same Jesus who had taught them the Word of God. He said to them, "I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Go then, to all peoples everywhere and make them My disciples. Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you." These words of Jesus are the words of God for us too. Then Jesus rose up into heaven and they saw Him no more.
Picture 119. Jesus at God's Right Hand in Heaven
Mark 16:19
Jesus is still in heaven today. He is sitting at the right hand of God as you can see here. There He prays to God for all those who believe in Him. He loves His followers and He cares for them. But Jesus loves all people and He wants everyone to believe in Him.
Picture 96. Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
Matthew 25:31-46
This picture shows another story which Jesus told when He was on earth. He said that He will return to earth again. He said that He will come to judge all people. Then Jesus will be like a shepherd separating the goats from the sheep. Some people are like the sheep. They hear God's Word and obey it. They will receive everlasting life in God's Kingdom. But those who refuse to obey God's Word are like the goats. The shepherd will separate the goats from the sheep. They will go to everlasting punishment. They will be separated forever from Jesus, who is the Shepherd of the sheep. We can believe the words of Jesus because Jesus speaks the words of God. He reveals God to us. He restores fellowship between God and mankind. Seek Him and you will find the truth about God. He is the Word of God. You will not be disappointed.
(Continued from Part 1.)