![Lot and Muang Ganoi](https://static.globalrecordings.net/images/2024/lot-muang-ganoi.jpg)
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Lot Ganoi
Lot is currently serving as the Director of GRN Thailand. He is also a recordist, and has made Gospel recordings in most regions of Thailand, as well as in three neighboring countries. In addition, he helps local partners in distributing the recordings.
In Thailand there are many pastors, Christian workers, and believers, who have little opportunity for fellowship and find it difficult to share the Gospel in their village, where they may be the only Christians. Some of these villages can only be reached by motorbike. With this in mind, Lot started the Motorbike Gospel Team (MGT). A few members of the GRN Thailand staff and several ministry partners periodically travel country roads and rough paths to isolated areas, where they encourage the Christians and build relationships with unbelievers, sharing the Gospel through recordings on MP3 players. The recordings, in the heart language of the people, not only introduce non-Christians to the Lord but are also a help to local believers in their spiritual growth.
Lot was raised in a Christian family in the countryside of Northern Chiang Mai. His parents were farmers, so they did not have enough money for him to continue his education. However, a friend invited him to stay at a Christian dormitory operated by Korean missionaries in Bangkok, who helped him to finish his high school and university studies. He received a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, with a focus on Human Resources.
In Bangkok, Lot truly came to understand the Gospel and was baptized. While serving in a church there, he met his future wife, Muang. They were married in 1995. When Muang was pregnant with their first child they moved back to Northern Thailand and worked as farmers. In 2001, Lot heard about GRN from a Korean missionary friend. Soon he began serving with GRN Thailand. Since joining GRN more than two decades ago, Lot has completed the Master's program at Bangkok Bible Seminary, along with serving the mission in many capacities.
Muang Ganoi
Since 2009, when her youngest daughter started school, Muang has been serving as office manager of GRN Thailand. She helps prepare newsletters, translate documents from Thai to English and English to Thai, works on scripts, and plans the logistics for special events such as Recording Team Training Courses. She also keeps track of stock and helps process orders.
Muang is from the Iu Mien people group. Her parents were farmers from a rural village. After graduating from high school, she had no finances to continue studying. A friend she met at a church youth camp told Muang that she was going to Bangkok to study while living at a Korean missionary dormitory. This captured Muang's interest. She wished she could go with her friend. One week later, she met the Korean missionary who had invited her friend to study in Bangkok when he came to her church for a wedding. Through him, the Lord provided an opportunity for her to continue her studies there, too. Living in the Korean-sponsored dormitory, she gained more than just knowledge about God; she experienced God's love transforming her through the Korean missionary family. How could they love her even though she was not a relative? She came to understood that it was because of Jesus Christ, and she received Him as the Lord of her life.
After graduating with a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication, Muang married Lot. They have three children: one son and two daughters. Their two older children, Maethee and Anna, have graduated from college. Their youngest daughter, Rappon, is still studying in high school.