Volunteer Worker and Coworker Profiles
Dalene Joubert
God has chosen some very special workers for GRN over the years. Dalene Joubert is one of them.
Melody Brits
Melody manages placement of counselling tools for children and elderly people in need.
Jacobus and Kathleen De Bruyn
Jacobus brings invaluable expertise to the table as a theologian, script writer and trainer
Dallion Chitekwere
Dallion serves in FTS Ministries as Media Ministry worker as well as in Children's Ministry.
Louise Laubscher
Louise is Founder & Director of Fishers, Trainers and Senders (FTS) Ministries.
Webster Gwanzura
Webster handles distribution of materials in Zimbabwe
Dr Leoni Bouwer - Leoni steers and facilitates translations and recordings in 12 different languages.
GRNSA Board of Directors -
Joel Juedes - Joel is a recordist serving GRN and other local mission agencies in South Africa.