ایالات متحده آمریکا

اطلاعاتی درباره ایالات متحده آمریکا

Region: آمریکای شمالی و جنوبی
Capital: Washington
Population: 339,997,000
Area (sq km): 9,529,063
FIPS Country Code: US
ISO Country Code: US
GRN Office: Global Recordings Network USA

Map of ایالات متحده آمریکا

Map of ایالات متحده آمریکا

زبان‌ها و گویش‌هایی که در ایالات متحده آمریکا صحبت می‌شوند

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زبان انگلیسی [United Kingdom] - ISO Language [eng]

زبان چکی [Czech Republic] - ISO Language [ces]

زبان دانمارکی [Denmark] - ISO Language [dan]

زبان سینوگبانونی [Philippines, Visayas, Eastern Visayas, Leyte] - ISO Language [ceb]

زبان مالایالم [India, Kerala] - ISO Language [mal]

زبان هاوایی [Hawaii] - ISO Language [haw]

زبان هلندی [Netherlands] - ISO Language [nld]

زبان ویلزی [California] - ISO Language [was]

Ahtena [Alaska] - ISO Language [aht]

Aleut: Eastern [Alaska] [ale]

American Sign Language [United States of America] - ISO Language [ase]

Apache, Chiricahua [New Mexico] [apm]

Apache, Jicarilla [New Mexico] - ISO Language [apj]

Apache, Mescalero [New Mexico] - ISO Language [apm]

Apache: San Carlos [Arizona] [apw]

Apache: Tonto [Arizona] [apw]

Apache: White Mountain [Arizona] [apw]

Arapahoe: Northern [Wyoming] [arp]

Arapahoe: Southern [Wyoming] [arp]

Blackfoot [Canada, Alberta] - ISO Language [bla]

Cahuilla [California] - ISO Language [chl]

Cajun French [Louisiana] - ISO Language [frc]

Canadian-Alaskan Indian English [Canada] [eng]

Cherokee [Oklahoma] - ISO Language [chr]

Chippewa [Michigan] - ISO Language [ciw]

Choctaw [Louisiana] - ISO Language [cho]

Cocopá [Mexico, Sonora] - ISO Language [coc]

Comanche [Oklahoma] - ISO Language [com]

Coushatta & Alabama [Louisiana] - ISO Language [cku]

Crow [Montana] - ISO Language [cro]

Dakota [South Dakota] - ISO Language [dak]

Dena'ina Inland [Alaska] [tfn]

English: American Indian [Texas] [eng]

English: Black Vernacular [Ohio] [eng]

English: Gullah [Georgia] [gul]

English: USA [United States of America] [eng]

Eskimo, St Lawrence Is. [Alaska] - ISO Language [ess]

German, Pennsylvania: Non-Amish [pdc]

Gros Ventre [Montana] - ISO Language [ats]

Gwich'in: Fort Yukon [Canada, Northwest Territories] [gwi]

Haida, Northern [Alaska] - ISO Language [hdn]

Halkomelem: Cowichan [Washington] [hur]

Han [Alaska] - ISO Language [haa]

Havasupai [Arizona] [yuf]

Hawai'i Pidgin [Hawaii] - ISO Language [hwc]

Hidatsa [North Dakota] - ISO Language [hid]

Hiligaynon [Philippines, Mindanao] - ISO Language [hil]

Ho-Chunk: Winnebago [Nebraska] [win]

Hopi [Arizona] - ISO Language [hop]

Hupa [California] - ISO Language [hup]

Inupiatun, North Alaskan: Point Barrow [esi]

Inupiatun, Northwest Alaska - ISO Language [esk]

Iowa-Oto [United States of America] - ISO Language [iow]

Kabuverdianu: Sotavento [United States of America] [kea]

Kalispel-Pend d'Oreille [Montana] - ISO Language [fla]

Karok [California] - ISO Language [kyh]

Keres: Acoma & Laguna [New Mexico] [kjq]

Keres, Eastern: Santa Ana [New Mexico] [kee]

Keres, Eastern: Santo Domingo [New Mexico] [kee]

Keres, Eastern: Zia [New Mexico] [kee]

Kickapoo [Kansas] - ISO Language [kic]

Kiowa [Oklahoma] - ISO Language [kio]

Kotzebue [Alaska] [esk]

Lakota [Montana] - ISO Language [lkt]

Louisiana Creole [California] - ISO Language [lou]

Makah [Washington] - ISO Language [myh]

Menominee [Wisconsin] - ISO Language [mez]

Mesquakie [Iowa] - ISO Language [sac]

Me-Wuk [California] - ISO Language [skd]

Modoc [United States of America] - ISO Language [kla]

Mohave [Arizona] - ISO Language [mov]

Mohawk [New York] - ISO Language [moh]

Navajo [Arizona] - ISO Language [nav]

Nez Perce [Idaho] - ISO Language [nez]

Numu [Nevada] - ISO Language [pao]

Nunivak [Alaska] [esu]

Okanagan [Canada, British Columbia] - ISO Language [oka]

Omaha [Nebraska] [oma]

Paiute, Northern: Bannock [Nevada] [pao]

Papiamentu [Netherlands Antilles] - ISO Language [pap]

Payómkawichum [California] - ISO Language [lui]

Pit River [Arizona] - ISO Language [acv]

Pomo, Coastal [California] [poo]

Pomo, North Clear Lake [United States of America] - ISO Language [peb]

Ponca [Nebraska] [oma]

Porja: Jhordia [Louisiana] [kfc]

Potawatomi [Kansas] - ISO Language [pot]

Quechan [California] - ISO Language [yum]

Quileute [Washington] - ISO Language [qui]

Quinault [Washington] - ISO Language [qun]

Seminole [Oklahoma] - ISO Language [mus]

Seneca [New York] - ISO Language [see]

Shoshone [Idaho] - ISO Language [shh]

Spanish: Mexico [spa]

Spokane [Washington] - ISO Language [spo]

Tanana, Upper [Alaska] - ISO Language [tau]

Tewa [Arizona] - ISO Language [tew]

Tewa: Santa Clara [New Mexico] [tew]

Thlinget [Alaska] - ISO Language [tli]

Tiwa, Northern: Taos [New Mexico] [twf]

گروه های افراد در ایالات متحده آمریکا

Abnaki-Penobscot ▪ Aceh ▪ Achumawi ▪ Adyghe ▪ Afar ▪ African-Americans ▪ Afrikaner ▪ Afro-Caribbean ▪ Afro-Guyanese ▪ Afro-Seminole ▪ Ahtena ▪ Akan ▪ Alabama ▪ Alaskan Athabascan ▪ Albanian, Gheg ▪ Albanian, Tosk ▪ Aleut, Eastern ▪ Algerian, Arabic-speaking ▪ Americans, U.S. ▪ Americans, U.S. Spanish-Speaking ▪ Amerindian, Detribalized ▪ Amhara, Ethiopian ▪ Amish ▪ Anglo-Australian ▪ Anglo-Canadian ▪ Antillean Creole, Papiamentu ▪ Anuak, Yambo ▪ Apache, Jicarilla ▪ Apache, Kiowa ▪ Apache, Mescalero ▪ Apache, Western ▪ Arab, Egyptian ▪ Arab, Gulf ▪ Arab, Iraqi ▪ Arab, Jordanian ▪ Arab, Lebanese ▪ Arab, Libyan ▪ Arab, Moroccan ▪ Arab, Omani ▪ Arab, Palestinian ▪ Arab, Saudi - Hijazi ▪ Arab, Saudi - Najdi ▪ Arab, Sudanese ▪ Arab, Syrian ▪ Arab, Tunisian ▪ Arab, Yemeni ▪ Arapaho ▪ Arawak ▪ Argentinian White ▪ Arikara ▪ Armenian ▪ Assamese ▪ Assiniboin ▪ Assyrian ▪ Atsugewi ▪ Austrian, Bavarian ▪ Azande ▪ Azerbaijani, North ▪ Baggara, Arab, Shuwa ▪ Bahamian ▪ Bali ▪ Balkar ▪ Baloch, Southern ▪ Bambara ▪ Barbadian ▪ Bari ▪ Basque ▪ Belize Creole ▪ Belorusian ▪ Bengali ▪ Berber, Imazighen ▪ Bikol, Central ▪ Bisaya, Sabah Bisaya ▪ Black Carib ▪ Black Creole, Gullah ▪ Blackfoot ▪ Bolivian, Mestizo ▪ Bosniak ▪ Brazilian, White ▪ British ▪ Brunei Malay, Kedayan ▪ Bulgarian ▪ Burmese ▪ Caddo ▪ Cahuilla ▪ Cajun ▪ Cape Verdean ▪ Carib, Galibi ▪ Carolinian ▪ Catalonian ▪ Catawba ▪ Cayuga ▪ Cebuano ▪ Chaldean ▪ Chamorro ▪ Cham, Western ▪ Chehalis ▪ Cherokee ▪ Cheyenne ▪ Chikasaw ▪ Chilean ▪ Chinook Wawa ▪ Chippewa ▪ Chitimacha ▪ Choctaw ▪ Chumash ▪ Clallam ▪ Cocopa ▪ Coeur d'Alene ▪ Colombian, Mestizo ▪ Columbia River Sahaptin ▪ Columbia-Wenatchi ▪ Colville ▪ Comanche ▪ Coos, Hanis ▪ Cora ▪ Corsican ▪ Costa Rican ▪ Cowlitz ▪ Cree, French ▪ Creek, Muskogee ▪ Cree, Western ▪ Crioulo, Upper Guinea ▪ Croat ▪ Crow ▪ Cuban ▪ Cupeno ▪ Cypriots, Greek ▪ Czech ▪ Dakota ▪ Danish ▪ Deaf ▪ Degexit'an ▪ Delaware ▪ Delaware, Unami ▪ Detribalized Pidgen ▪ Dioula ▪ Dominicans ▪ Druze ▪ Dutch ▪ Ecuadorian, Mestizo ▪ Efik ▪ Eskimo, Alaska Inupiat, Northwest ▪ Eskimo, Alaskan, North ▪ Eskimo, Alaskan, West-Central Yupik ▪ Eskimo, Creole ▪ Eskimo, Siberian ▪ Estonian ▪ Ewe ▪ Fall Indian, Atsina ▪ Fang ▪ Fijian ▪ Filipino, Tagalog ▪ Finnish ▪ Flathead-Kalispel ▪ Fleming ▪ Franco-Guianese, mixed ▪ French ▪ French-Canadian ▪ Frisian, Northern ▪ Frisian, Western ▪ Fula Jalon ▪ Fulbe, Fulani ▪ Fulbe Jeeri ▪ Ganda, Luganda ▪ Georgian ▪ German ▪ Greek ▪ Guadeloupean Creole French ▪ Guam ▪ Guatemalan White ▪ Gujar, Hindu ▪ Gwich'in, Kutchin ▪ Gypsy, Anglo-Romani ▪ Gypsy, English, Romanichal ▪ Gypsy, Scottish Traveller ▪ Haida ▪ Haitian ▪ Han Chinese, Cantonese ▪ Han Chinese, Hakka ▪ Han Chinese, Mandarin ▪ Han Chinese, Min Dong ▪ Han Chinese, Min Nan ▪ Han Chinese, Wu ▪ Han Chinese, Xiang ▪ Han, Moosehide ▪ Hawaiian ▪ Hawai'i, Creole-Speaking ▪ Hidatsa ▪ Hkun, Khuen ▪ Hmong Daw ▪ Hmong Njua ▪ Holikachuk ▪ Honduran ▪ Hopi ▪ Houma, Half-Choctaw ▪ Hungarian ▪ Hupa ▪ Hutterite ▪ Hutu, Rundi ▪ Hutu, Rwandese ▪ Icelander ▪ Igbo ▪ Ilocano ▪ Indonesian ▪ Iowa ▪ Irish ▪ Irish, Gaelic-Speaking ▪ Irish Traveller, Shelta ▪ Iroquois ▪ Isan, Northeastern Thai ▪ Italian ▪ Iu Mien ▪ Jamaicans ▪ Japanese ▪ Javanese ▪ Jemez ▪ Jew, Bukharic Speaking ▪ Jew, Eastern Yiddish-Speaking ▪ Jew, English Speaking ▪ Jew, Israeli ▪ Jew, Russian Speaking ▪ Jew, Spanish ▪ Jew, Spanish Speaking ▪ Jur Modo ▪ Kabardian ▪ Kaliko ▪ Kalmyk-Oirat ▪ Kanjobal, Eastern ▪ Kansa ▪ Karen, other ▪ Karok ▪ Kashaya ▪ Kashmiri Muslim ▪ Kato ▪ Kawaiisu ▪ Kazakh ▪ Khmer, Central ▪ Khmu ▪ Kickapoo ▪ Kiowa ▪ Kiribertese ▪ Kitsai ▪ Klamath-Modoc ▪ Koasati ▪ Korean ▪ Kosraen ▪ Koyukon ▪ Kpelle, Liberia ▪ Krio ▪ Kumiai ▪ Kurd, Kurmanji ▪ Kurd, Sorani ▪ Kuripako, Curripaco ▪ Kutenai ▪ Kwakiutl ▪ Kyrgyz ▪ Lahu Shi, Yellow Lahu ▪ Lakota ▪ Lao ▪ Latvian ▪ Laven ▪ Lingala ▪ Lithuanian ▪ Louisiana Creole French ▪ Lower Chinook ▪ Luba-Lulua ▪ Luiseno ▪ Lumbee ▪ Luo ▪ Lushootseed ▪ Luxemburger ▪ Macedonian ▪ Makah ▪ Malagasy ▪ Malay ▪ Malayali ▪ Maldivian ▪ Maltese ▪ Mandan ▪ Mandeaen ▪ Mandingo, Mandinka ▪ Maninka, Eastern ▪ Maninka, Western ▪ Maori ▪ Marathi ▪ Maricopa ▪ Marquesan, North ▪ Marshallese ▪ Maya, Yucatan ▪ Mende ▪ Mennonites ▪ Menomini ▪ Mexican Creole, Tirilone ▪ Miami ▪ Micmac ▪ Midway Islanders ▪ Mikasuki Seminole ▪ Miskito ▪ Miwok ▪ Mohave ▪ Mohawk ▪ Mohegan-Montauk-Narragansett ▪ Mokilese ▪ Moldavian ▪ Mongol, Khalka ▪ Mono ▪ Mono, Alu ▪ Mon, Talaing ▪ Montserratans ▪ Moor ▪ Moru ▪ Mossi, Moore ▪ Motilone, Bari ▪ Munda ▪ Nahuatl, Tenango ▪ Nanticoke ▪ Native Criollo, Mestizo ▪ Navaho ▪ Neo-Melanesian Papuan ▪ Nepalese ▪ Nez Perce ▪ Nicaraguan, Mestizo ▪ Nooksack ▪ Norwegian ▪ Nuer, Naath ▪ Nyanja ▪ Okanagon ▪ Omaha-Ponca, Dhegiha ▪ Oneida ▪ Onondaga ▪ Oodham ▪ Oriya ▪ Oromo, Jimma ▪ Osage ▪ Otoe ▪ Ottawa ▪ Paiute, Northern ▪ Paiute, Southern ▪ Palauan ▪ Pampango ▪ Panamint ▪ Pangasinese ▪ Parsee ▪ Part-Indian ▪ Pashtun, Northern ▪ Passamaquoddy ▪ Pawnee ▪ Persian ▪ Peruvian ▪ Phu Thai ▪ Pima Bajo, Chihuahua ▪ Pingilapese ▪ Polish ▪ Polynesian ▪ Pomo ▪ Ponapean ▪ Portuguese ▪ Potawatomi ▪ Powhatan ▪ Pueblo, Keres, Eastern ▪ Pueblo, Keres, Western ▪ Pueblo, Zuni ▪ Puerto Ricans, White ▪ Puget, Southern ▪ Puinave ▪ Punjabi ▪ Purepecha ▪ Purepecha, Sierra Occidental ▪ Quapaw ▪ Quechan ▪ Quechua ▪ Quileute ▪ Quinault, Lower Chehalis ▪ Rhaeto-Romanian ▪ Romanian ▪ Romani, Carpathian ▪ Romani, Sinte ▪ Romani, Vlax ▪ Russian ▪ Rusyn ▪ Ryukyuan, Central ▪ Sahaptin, Northeast ▪ Saint Lucian ▪ Salvadorians ▪ Samoan ▪ Sauk-Fox ▪ Scots, Gaelic ▪ Senaya ▪ Seneca ▪ Serb ▪ Serrano ▪ Shawnee ▪ Sherpa ▪ Shilluk ▪ Shoshoni ▪ Sindhi ▪ Sinhalese ▪ Skagit ▪ Slovak ▪ Slovene ▪ Snohomish ▪ Somali ▪ Soninke ▪ Sorb, Lower Lusatian ▪ Sotho ▪ South American, Mestizo ▪ South Asian, general ▪ Spaniard ▪ Spokane ▪ Straits Salish ▪ Sumu ▪ Surinamese Creole, Sranan ▪ Swahili ▪ Swazi ▪ Swedish ▪ Syrian Aramaic, Turoyo ▪ Tahitian ▪ Tai Dam, Black Tai ▪ Tai Don, White Tai ▪ Tai Lue ▪ Tajik ▪ Tajik, Afghan ▪ Tamil Hindu ▪ Tanacross ▪ Tanaina ▪ Tanana ▪ Tatar ▪ Tay ▪ Telugu ▪ Tenino ▪ Tewa ▪ Thai, Central ▪ Tibetan ▪ Tigrai, Tigrinya ▪ Tiwa, Northern ▪ Tiwa, Southern ▪ Tlingit ▪ Tongan ▪ Tonkawa ▪ Triqui, Copala ▪ Trukese ▪ Tsimshian ▪ Tunica ▪ Turk ▪ Turkmen ▪ Turk, Meskhetian ▪ Turks and Caicos Creole English ▪ Tuscarora ▪ Twana ▪ Uduk ▪ Ukrainian ▪ Ulithian ▪ Upland Yuman ▪ Upper Chinook ▪ Upper Kuskokwim ▪ Upper Tanana ▪ Urdu ▪ Uruguayan, White ▪ Ute ▪ Uyghur ▪ Uzbek, Northern ▪ Uzbek, Southern ▪ Venezualans ▪ Vietnamese ▪ Wampanoag ▪ Washo ▪ Welsh ▪ Wichita ▪ Winnebago ▪ Wintu ▪ Wiyot ▪ Wolof ▪ Wyandot ▪ Yakima ▪ Yapese ▪ Yaqui ▪ Yazidi ▪ Yokuts ▪ Yoruba ▪ Yuchi ▪ Yuki ▪ Yukpa ▪ Yupik, Pacific ▪ Yurok ▪ Zapoteco, San Juan Guelavia ▪ Zapoteco, Zoogocho

اخبار مربوط به ایالات متحده آمریکا

Global Recordings Network USA - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN USA.

Sounds of GRN 85th Anniversary Edition - 1939 - 2024: Then and Now

Skip Garmo - Executive Director GRN USA. Skip brings a diverse history that includes serving the Lord as a college and seminary professor and as president of two other international ministries.

Diane Guiett - Instructional Design Global Coordinator (IDGC) USA. Provides instructional design solutions for GRN's international functions.

Passing the Baton - How do we pass the vision of GRN on to the next generations?

Larry DeVilbiss - Executive Director GRN USA. Larry leads our USA operations.

GRN USA Newsletter - GRN USA's Alert newsletter brings you the latest news from USA and around the world

Apache Buried Treasure - Ed Young shares a response from a recent visit to some Apache Indian Reservations

GRN USA - 75 years of God's Faithfulness - An overview of the ministry of Global Recordings Network, celebrating 75 years of taking words of life to over 6000 language varieties throughout the world.

Sugar Cubes and Prayer - Sugar cubes? Prayer? Read all about it ...

Memorable Milestones: History - Find out more about GRN's history

Adopt a Language - You can play a significant role in reaching an unreached people group

Guatemala: GRN recordings got there first! - Personal account from missionaries: ". . .before the missionaries were able to get the language written down, Gospel Recordings had been there. People were hearing the Word from the recordings!"

GRN USA Financial FAQ - How GRN USA finances its operations and handles gifts from donors.

GRN USA Price List - Prices for the ministry resources and Bible materials in the GRN product range.

The team from GRN USA - USA Staff Profiles and Prayer Letters

Together In Prayer - USA - Read prayer news and notes from GRN USA - join with us in prayer!

Ministry Opportunities with GRN USA - If you are looking for a place to use your gifts to extend His kingdom, opportunities abound through GRN

From the Diary of Joy Ridderhof - Joy Ridderhof founded GRN in 1939 ... read this devotional extract from her diary.

GRN Recordings Transformed our Ministry - My family served as missionaries in Nigeria for 17 years. It was an incredible time of seeing God move in amazing ways. He worked through the recordings of GRN more times than I can remember. Our ministry was transformed by the recordings.