Tell Me

Eskema: Explains about the book about God; who is God; what is the message in the book. People's fear of evil spirits; God's deliverance and love. Jesus, the Saviour; His power over evil spirits; His atonement, resurrection, power in our lives. Very simple statements.
Gidoi zenbakia: 125
Hizkuntza: English
Gaia: Character of God (Word of God (the Bible)); Problems (Evil Spirits, demons, Fear)
Publikoa: Animist
Helburua: Evangelism
Features: Dialog; Messages and Fiction; No Scripture
Egoera: Approved
Gidoiak beste hizkuntzetara itzultzeko eta grabatzeko oinarrizko jarraibideak dira. Beharrezkoa den moduan egokitu behar dira kultura eta hizkuntza ezberdin bakoitzerako ulergarriak eta garrantzitsuak izan daitezen. Baliteke erabilitako termino eta kontzeptu batzuk azalpen gehiago behar izatea edo guztiz ordezkatu edo ezabatzea ere.
Gidoiaren Testua

1. Hello, Friend.
2. Hello, Friend
1. Tell me, what is that you have in your hand?
2. It is a book about the true God...the good and great One.
1. For what people is this God?
2. He is for everybody.
1. But I have never heard about Him.
2. But this book says that His words are for us and our people.
1. What message does it have for me then?
2. It has good news for you.
1. Good news!
2. This book tells us that God loves man. Many people live in fear of evil spirits. But this tells us the message of God's love for us. And His power is greater than the power of any other.
1. I live in fear of evil spirits. Tell me more about this loving God.
2. God knows man's fears. God knows man's needs and sorrows. He knows man's sins.
1. It is true. We have fears and troubles, and sins. But how can we find deliverance?
2. This book of God tells us that we cannot get salvation by making sacrifices, or by paying money or by doing things, or by being baptized. We cannot be saved by our tribal standing. But there is a way.
1. How then can we be saved?
2. The true God can save us. For this purpose He has given a Saviour. His name is Jesus.
1. How do I learn more about this Jesus?
2 His words are in the Book of God. Jesus heals men. He drives away their fears. He can keep away the evil spirits from us.
1. Is Jesus stronger than the evil spirits?
2. Yes, Jesus is truly God. He can also take away our sins.
1. How can Jesus take away our sins?
2. Jesus is holy. He never sinned. He died for us on a cross.
1. He died on a cross?
2. Yes, Jesus gave His own blood on the cross. He alone was the true sacrifice for sins. By His death we can be saved.
1. How can a dead man save us?
2. It is true, Jesus died. But He arose again from the dead.
1. What! He arose from the dead?
2. Yes, and now Jesus lives forevermore. He broke the power of death and of Satan. He alone can give us victory over our fears. He also can give us victory over our sins.
1. Where is Jesus now?
2. He is in Heaven. Yet He is still very close to us. He hears our prayers.
1. Will He hear me?
2. Yes, He hears all who call upon His name. Believe in Him. He will save you.
1. These are GOOD words! Thank you for telling me this good news. (I Cor. 15:55)