ESL 6 Lesson Pilot Script

Eskema: A modified version of the Good News script to be used with GRN ESL lessons 1 to 6 pilot testing.

Gidoi zenbakia: 1184

Hizkuntza: English

Gaia: Undefined (Multiple themes)

Egoera: Publishable

Gidoiaren Testua

Lesson 1

Lesson 1

In the beginning of time, only God existed. Then God created the heavens and the Earth. The Earth had no form and was dark. God formed the Earth and commanded the light to shine. He made the sun and the moon and all the stars. God is good and He rules over everything.

Lesson 2

Lesson 2

God created everything by the words that he spoke. God said, “Let there be light,” and the light appeared. He spoke, and made the sky. He spoke, and made the sea. He

spoke, and land was made. Then he created all living things in the same way: the fish in the water, the birds in the air, and all the animals. He also made the first humans. God was pleased with all He made. Everything God made was very good!

Lesson 3

Lesson 3

God made the first man and the first woman. God loved Adam and Eve. He gave them authority over everything he had made. God made a beautiful garden for them to live in. There God walked with them and talked with them. They were God’s friends. God gave Adam and Eve fruit to eat from all the trees in the garden except one. God told them not to eat the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden.

Lesson 4a

Lesson 4a

God’s enemy, called Satan, came to Adam and Eve in the garden, as a serpent. He told them they could eat the forbidden fruit, the fruit that God had told them not to eat. Adam and Eve listened to the serpent and did not trust God and ate the forbidden fruit. They sinned against God and they broke their friendship with Him. God punished Adam and Eve, and sent them out of the beautiful garden, but He never stopped loving them.

Lesson 4b

Lesson 4b

Adam and Eve are the ancestors of all people. We are all their children so we sin just like they did. All people have sinned against God and are separated from Him. This is why we experience pain, sickness and death.

Lesson 5

Lesson 5

Adam and Eve had many sons and daughters. Their first son was Cain, and their second son was Abel. Abel obeyed God, but Cain did not. Cain became so jealous of Abel that he killed him. There were consequences of this action. God punished Cain and sent him away. Sin always has consequences, and it always separates people from God.

Lesson 6

Lesson 6

Adam and Eve had many descendants. Everyone sinned and disobeyed God. They were so wicked that God decided to destroy the world by a terrible flood. There was only one man who loved and obeyed God. His name was Noah. God told Noah to build an enormous ship so that he, his family, and a selection of animals could be saved.

After God closed the ship’s door, He sent very heavy rain and brought water from underground. For forty days God flooded the whole earth. Not a bird, animal, reptile, or human was left alive anywhere on earth. They all drowned. Only Noah and his family were saved.

Lesson 7a

Lesson 7a

In Israel, God sent an angel to an unmarried woman called Mary. She was engaged to be married to Joseph. The angel said to her, ‘You are blessed. The Lord is with you. Do not be afraid, Mary. God is happy with you. You will have a son called Jesus. He will be the Son of God. He will be King, and his kingdom will be forever.’

Lesson 7b

Lesson 7b

Mary asked, ‘How can this happen? I am not married.’ The angel said, ‘The Holy Spirit will come down on you.’

A short time later, the angel came to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Joseph, do not be afraid to marry Mary. The baby that Mary will have is from the Holy Spirit. You must name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.’

Lesson 8

Lesson 8

Months later, King Herod of Israel ordered all the people to return to their home towns, so he could count them. Mary and Joseph had to travel to the town of Bethlehem. When they arrived, it was very crowded – there was no place for them to stay. They found a place where animals were kept. Mary gave birth to Jesus there.

Lesson 8b

Lesson 8b

That night, an angel appeared to some shepherds. While they were watching their sheep in a field. The angel said, “I bring you good news of great joy! Today in the town of Bethlehem, the Saviour has been born!” Then, suddenly, many angels appeared in the sky, singing and praising God. The shepherds went to see this special child. After they had seen Jesus they praised God. They told people everywhere what the angels had said.

Lesson 9

Lesson 9

Jesus grew up in the home of Mary and Joseph. When He was twelve years old, Mary and Joseph took Him to Jerusalem. He talked about God with the teachers and leaders of the people. He listened to them, and asked them questions. They were all surprised at this amazing boy and His great knowledge of God.

Lesson 10

Lesson 10

When Jesus was thirty years old, He began to teach the people about God. He was the greatest teacher of all time. Many people believed Him and followed Him. However, some religious leaders did not believe in Jesus and opposed Him.

Lesson 11

Lesson 11

The soldiers treated Jesus very cruelly. They nailed Jesus to a wooden cross. He hung there until He died. This was the way that they killed criminals in those days. The soldiers also crucified two criminals with Jesus. However, Jesus was not a criminal. He had done nothing wrong. The Bible says Jesus died for our sins, and He received the punishment which we deserved. Jesus became the sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people.

Lesson 12

Lesson 12

The enemies of Jesus thought that they had destroyed Jesus, but that was not so! After Jesus died on the cross, His friends put His dead body in a cave. They closed the entrance of the cave with a big stone. Two days passed but on the third day Jesus became alive again just as He said He would.

Lesson 12b

Lesson 12b

Some women, who were Jesus friends, went to the cave to put spices on Jesus’ body. They found the big stone rolled away and the body of Jesus gone. There were two angels at the cave. They told the women that Jesus was alive. They said, "He is not here. He has been raised from death."

Yes, Jesus was dead but now He is alive! He showed that He truly is God's Son. Jesus is alive today and He has overcome Satan and death forever.

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