In the Hand of God

In the Hand of God

Eskema: When you are in the hand of the devil, you should fear going to hell. Turn to God. (Needs additional section on Jesus).

Gidoi zenbakia: I007

Hizkuntza: English

Gaia: Eternal life (Heaven); Living as a Christian (No other gods, idols); Character of God (Love of God, Power of God / Jesus); Sin and Satan (Hell, Sin, disobedience, Satan (the devil))

Publikoa: Animist; Catholic

Estiloa: Monolog

Generoa: Exhortation

Helburua: Pre-evangelism

Bibliako aipua: None

Egoera: Approved

Gidoiak beste hizkuntzetara itzultzeko eta grabatzeko oinarrizko jarraibideak dira. Beharrezkoa den moduan egokitu behar dira kultura eta hizkuntza ezberdin bakoitzerako ulergarriak eta garrantzitsuak izan daitezen. Baliteke erabilitako termino eta kontzeptu batzuk azalpen gehiago behar izatea edo guztiz ordezkatu edo ezabatzea ere.

Gidoiaren Testua

Listen to what I tell you about every one who is in the hand of the devil: One who sins all the time is in the hand of the devil. The devil sins all the time since the beginning. What can you do to get out of the hand of the devil, who has taken you captive?

Every day he tempts you to sin, and afterwards you will go to hell forever because of your sins. What can you do to help yourself once you are in hell? Nothing, for you cannot be saved then.

Fear hell! There shall be gathered all idol-worshippers, lustful ones, thieves, evil-doers, drunkards, extortionists. They shall pay for their sins there forever.

If you want to be saved, put yourself in the hand of God. He will give you everlasting life. You will not be lost. No one can pluck you out of His hand. He has power to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before His presence with much joy in heaven. God loves you. Therefore pray to God, and confess your sins to Him. He will forgive your sins; thus you will be saved out of the hand of the devil, and enter into the hand of God.

(Note: Add sentences about Jesus)

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