The Songs of David

The Songs of David

Eskema: Psalms 8, 9, 16, 23, 51, 70, 119

Gidoi zenbakia: 1313

Hizkuntza: English

Publikoa: General

Generoa: Bible Stories & Teac

Helburua: Evangelism; Teaching

Bibliako aipua: Paraphrase

Egoera: Approved

Gidoiak beste hizkuntzetara itzultzeko eta grabatzeko oinarrizko jarraibideak dira. Beharrezkoa den moduan egokitu behar dira kultura eta hizkuntza ezberdin bakoitzerako ulergarriak eta garrantzitsuak izan daitezen. Baliteke erabilitako termino eta kontzeptu batzuk azalpen gehiago behar izatea edo guztiz ordezkatu edo ezabatzea ere.

Gidoiaren Testua

Title ideas:Songs that King David sang.Hallelujah! Let us praise the Lord!Let us sing!

When King David was a child, he learned to make music with a harp [instrument with strings, something like a guitar]. During his lifetime, he made and sang many songs [psalms] that tell true stories and praise God.

David’s songs tell about God. David sang, “O Lord! Everyone, everywhere, will one day tell how great you are! They will honor you higher than the sky! Even little children will sing about your great strength!”

When David was a young man, he was a shepherd who led sheep to grass, and he protected them. In one of his songs, he sang: “The Lord is my [is like a] shepherd [Care-taker / Guardian]. He provides me with everything I need!

“Even when I must pass through a dark, dangerous place, I will not be afraid. You are always with me. You protect me [with your shepherd’s staff / walking stick]!”

One time, after David had done a wicked [immoral] action, David made this song: “O God. You still love me, so please forgive my sin! I have broken [violated] your law! Wash away the evil I have done, and make me clean again!”

“O God, please change my heart [inner parts / liver]. Make my spirit right again. Help me be joyful again. Then I shall teach other sinners how to obey your commands, and they will return to you!”

In other songs, David asked God for his help. David sang, “O God, I am weak [helpless]! Please hurry to come help me! Only you can rescue me [from danger], O Lord!”

In other songs, David thanked God. David sang, “You, O Lord, have taught me your wisdom! You have guided me! Even at night I can feel [know] you are with me!

“The Lord gives me [from] himself. He chooses good things for me! He helps me to enjoy my life! He will also give me a good inheritance forever [after I die]!”

David sang about joy [happiness]: “O Lord, you give joy to those who obey you! You give good things to those who listen to you, and to those who earnestly [with all their livers] seek to know you!

“I delight in [enjoy] stories about you, more than [I delight] in money! I enjoy following [obeying] your good ways! I will never reject [forget] your words!”

Sometimes David sang about his love for God: “I thank [praise] you, O Lord, with all my heart [feelings/liver]. I tell others about what you do for me! I sing because you make me glad [happy], O Lord Most High!”

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